What would it be and why. What does it look and feel like?

  1. My mental health. I need a therapist so bad and I can neither afford nor find one in my area. They’re closing private practices left and right here because hospitals are demanding more office hours from them.

  2. My health .Because I am allergic and this disease ruin my life in many aspects .

  3. My education. Excuse me tooting my own horn, but I’m smart! I know I am, and I know I could do many things. The problem is that I can’t pace myself, so I’ll start something and go all in just to crash and burn halfway through.

    I’m 25 with no real career path, and a myriad of low wage, low skill jobs under my belt. A bachelor’s degree would open a lot of doors for me, but I’m so scared of failing again that it’s hard for me to try.

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