So I(26M) met a beautiful girl at the beach on Sunday. I was on boatload of Molly and was tripping my balls off. After seeing this girl dancing for a while, and then she stood at railing. I went to her and striked a convo, it was the most amazing convo ever. I still can’t forget it. I came back and found her on Instagram and sent her a follow request, she accepted and followed back in return. Now i sent her the first message that I liked talking to you and you seemed like a great girl.

On Monday we kept ralking on and off on instagram about how work is shit and all. Now the convo at night ended very fast because i had nothing to reply to the last message she sent, i just said Ok.

Now I need advice as to how can I move this frim Insta messages to first date to a good and healthy relationship.

I dont know how to flirt or send flirty messages or even understand the signs.

I know for a fact that if I get a chance to take her on a date, then i can be the greatest guy ever, but how to move forward from messages.

Need a male perspective and a female perspective as to how can I move this forward without making it awkward or sounding clingy.


  1. “I think you’re amazing, and would love to have the opportunity on taking you out sometime”

  2. You can proceed by reaching out asking how her day has been, perhaps in the evening and try to keep her in the conversation then ask that you’ve love to take her out and if she would like that. You must also have some good places in mind to take her to as well.

  3. Honestly, you are already acquaintanced with her and you managed to have conversations both online and irl. I wouldn’t stray any longer and try to keep the conversations going just for the sake of it. Ask her out now! You’re not going to become friends by chatting exclusively online. You really need to show that you are confident and determined and get to know her better at a date. It’s also possible that you may not be as compatible as you thought, or maybe she is not interested in you for a romantic relationship, but the sooner you learn that, the better. Just ask her out, and don’t be disappointed, no matter what response you will get 🙂

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