My (M-late20s) wife (F-late20s) left a month ago (we’d been together about 10 years, divorce is in progress) shortly after I’d found out she was cheating with my friend and her (I thought our) friends were in on it. I reached out to various people for help and was shocked at how positive the response was and have really strengthened some friendships. One friend (F-mid20s) has been particularly good to me and we have bonded a lot lately over shared experiences and interests. I know it’s too early for me to move on to another relationship and she has a current love interest so would not consider anything with me anyway right now (she has integrity). I often feel like I’m messaging her too often (a couple of times a day) and although she does always reply positively, I don’t want to burn out the friendship or ruin any romantic opportunity in future. Should I just try not to message her some days or am I overthinking?


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  2. I’d take a step back. This is still too soon and she is involved with someone else. Work on yourself meanwhile so when the divorce is final, you will be in a good place to start over.

  3. Relax a bit it’s only been a month just continue the friendship as it currently is and if one day in the future the opportunity presents itself take a chance but now is too soon to pursue something serious

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