I feel like the title is pretty self explanatory, but I’ll tell the whole story. I’ve been home from university for a few weeks now and I’m living with my parents again. For some background, while I’m close with my mam and can talk to her about almost anything, we’re not open about sexual stuff. She’s not catholic about sexual topics, and she has asked me to talk to her about thing like that before (like if i needed her opinion, or advice), it’s just not something we’ve ever actually talked about so I’m not comfortable talking to her about it.

I’ve got this small bullet vibrator (like 2 inches long, takes 1 AAA battery, tiny thing) and 2 days ago it fell out of my pocket into the toilet, which I flushed before realising. It took me about 20 minutes to notice it was missing, I searched everywhere and couldnt find it, then I remembered I’d heard a clunk sort of noise earlier when I was using the bathroom and realised what had happened, but it was obviously too late. I even put rubber gloves on and had my arm halfway up the u bend but couldn’t feel anything. Oh, and it was definitely down there, and probably on, because the water was rippling at the surface from vibrations (took a video bc even whilst freaking out it was sort of hilariously awful). So, at this point I’m panicking, I call my boyfriend freaking out and explain everything, and we came to the conclusion that my best bet was to just flush it a couple of times, and pray.

The praying seemingly did not work because earlier tonight I overheard my parents talk about how the toilet is “still doing it”. I (already terrified) asked what was wrong. My mom said the stopcock in the toilet must be loose because the part where the water comes in after its flushed is just constantly trickling. I asked if this would be hard to fix or anything and they both assured me it’s not. So now my only issue is explaining it I suppose. Money isn’t a problem, I have a small amount of money saved up so I can pay them the repair costs

She said she’d call the plumber in a few days to get it looked at, but we always use the same guy so that’s extra humiliating, so even if I tell her the truth, he also has to know. Alternatively, my friend suggested I could slip the plumber a 20 and ask him not to mention what was down there? And while that sounds like a good idea it just feels like it could easily backfire, plus it still involves telling him.

I already sort of started preparing to tell her when it first happened, because my first instict was to be honest, but I was stupid and thought there was a chance it would fix itself. And to be fair I was freaking out a lot. Like I was watching videos on how toilet cisterns work whilst having a panic attack, trying to calm myself down by logically showing myself that a foreign object down the toilet can’t completely destroy it. My first issue is that I’m going to have to beg her not to tell anyone, my dad included, about this. She’s the sort of person who loves to tell other people’s embarassing stories to friends/family, or just straight up tease you about something you explicitly ask her not to tease about. So, thats one reason to try the bribery method.

So, should I come clean or bribe a plumber? And if I should tell her, any advice on how to word it/explain it in a way that is the least humiliating?

(I edited the first two paragraphs back in bc I fucked in copy pasting this from another sub I posted it in. Oops)

  1. What type of vibe was it? Are you 100% sure it is the vibe that is the problem?

  2. Mom, my vibrator tried to toaster bath itself, but failed. So it flushed itself.

  3. oh yeah.. it’s bribe time.

    I’m sure the plumber has pulled stranger things out of toilets. No biggie.

  4. Are your parents out of the house during the day for work? If so, hire a plumber yourself and have it fixed while they’re at work. Then your parents will think the issue resolved itself.

  5. >My mom said the stopcock in the toilet must be loose because the part where the water comes in after its flushed is just constantly trickling

    This problem isn’t caused by you flushing something down the drain. The cistern issue is usually due to wear and tear, mineral scale build up in the water tank. If anything in the toilet bowl (# 1, 2) can be flushed away/no clogging, then your vibe probably cleared the u bend and I doubt the augers the plumber uses can grab hold of it and pull it back

  6. Simple. You can’t. Pour a drink for you and your mum, and have a good laugh. She’ll probably have similar stories to share with you

  7. if the toilet is running constant check the fill valve (the one the water line is attached to through the tank) there should be a float that rises with the water level to stop the toilet tank from filling. if lifting that stops the water the problem isn’t your vibrator.

    next thing to check is if you see water constantly flowing into the bowl of the toilet look inside the tank and check the rubber seal on the flush valve (the one in the center with the flapper that lets the water into the toilet) make sure that seals correctly. there should also be a hose that runs from the previously mentioned fill valve to the flush valve that should be pointed into the top of the flush valve itself.

    nothing about the water running in the toilet is related to your vibrator. it’s in either the p-trap (the windy pipes in the back bottom of the toilet) and you would hear it vibrating against the porcelain; or that sucker hit the four inch waste drainage main and it’s long gone.

    edit- im the maintenance lead for a property management group. ive installed, aug’ed, reseated, rebuilt, and cleared enough dildos out of toilets to let you know your more than likely safe.

  8. Damn can you be like mom you know what you have so much on your plate let me handle the deets on this?? I’m also thinking if I was a plumber in that situation I would probably just be like there was an object in the toilet. I wouldn’t be like a bright pink vibrator that’s probably your daughters… whose to say it isn’t your dad tbh. I’d just keep quiet

  9. Flushing something will absolutely not affect the stopcock. They wear out over time. If there is water running from the tank into the bowl then that’s the issue.

    I’d be more worried about it getting stuck somewhere in the pipes. Depends how far the line is until it drops in the main. I’m an apartment manager and I’ve seen all KINDS of things in drains.

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