Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

We will still be enforcing our rules on gendered slurs, bigoted/disrespectful/hateful commentary, invalidation (if someone’s only contribution is telling others they are wrong), and asking relationship advice. However the comments don’t need to be on a specific topic, and they don’t need to be open-ended questions.

\~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. I made a new friend through reddit this week, and we’re going to quit drinking together. >:) I’ve floated the idea for so long, but I think this’ll finally be the motivation to make me stick.

    DAZ PHOTO OF THE WEEK: [Here we find our resident stinky bad boy inspecting my brother’s Emmy.](https://imgur.com/gallery/0p0y6u1)

  2. I was taking out some trash to the dumpster in my apartment complex and some guys drove passed me and started barking. I know I wasn’t looking my best, but was that really necessary? 😞

  3. The people I like playing WoW with are planning on making a smaller scale raid group for Wrath Classic, and they want me to come along for the ride. The issue is that I’ve already played all the way through Wrath the first time, to its fullest extent. I’m worried that I’m just doing it to make them happy. I don’t know what to do and time is running out.

    On my bad days I also don’t want another reason to live.

  4. I am having such a low day, which is unusual for me. Too many horrid things going on. I wrote a list of lovely things I can do.

    Travel to exotic locales online like India

    Maybe paint on canvas tonite.

    Talk to my love for an hour or two

    Journal prompts

    Read a novel

    Watch bridgerton [havent seen it yet]

    Have homemade soup with a fresh baguette tomorrow [ it’s winter here]

    Listen to Lana del Rey

    Write a blog entry

    Have cake and tea

    Look at beautiful pictures on Pinterest or make Pinterest boards

    Read some quotes

    Do some tidying up

    Have a shower or bath with lush things.

    -Might help someone else

  5. Earlier today I went to a hair stylist, and I couldn’t be happier. As a trans woman, it’s sometimes really hard for me to feel happy in my skin. However, just looking at my newly braided hair, I feel pure euphoria about my appearance right now. It’s so very freeing

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