How do you handle your emotions when your best friend stops speaking to you?

  1. Depending on the situation- currently going thru this rn.. &I’m just at a point where I can’t do the back &forth anymore. I’m too grown for childish type of friendship drama.. I have lots of love &memories w her I wish her well but I don’t have it in me anymore to fight for this friendship mainly cz I shouldn’t have to.

  2. I just tell myself and accept that I can only control my own actions and responses to my feelings. I cannot control them and I should not need to bend over backwards to try and grovel for them back. I think knowing that friends will come and go is a part of life, best friends or otherwise. I find that letting my emotions do their own thing, not suppressing or trying to escape them, helps most as I engage in self care and life as usual, keeping busy if needed. Feelings are gonna do their own thing, tears will come and go, but you will be okay. I’ve had best friends I’ve had for YEARS suddenly go no contact and I’ve been completely fine, thriving even.

    Self care, keep life rolling, and let your emotions flow and be expressed in undestructive ways.

  3. It’s horrible but I can tell u through personal experience and experience of others, they will come around. Give them space. Deal with it the best u can.

  4. I would ask them what’s going on and if you guys could talk about it. I feel like a lot of ppl have a difficult time vocalizing their emotions

  5. I haven’t quite had that experience but I would do the same thing that I do after breaking up with a romantic relationship. Self care, self reflection/reevaluation.

    We are adults and I don’t use silence as a manipulation tool nor will I accept it from those in my life. Her abrupt exit would signify to me that she is setting a boundary for space and is unwilling to discuss, so I would happily respect that.

  6. I’ve had my best friend for 40 years! We started nursery school together and in all that time we’ve had 1 serious argument.. where we didn’t speak for 2 months!
    She called me.. we cried, we watched episodes of Buffy and got over it.

  7. I (18 F) drove circles around my city and oscillated between being flamingly angry and intensely sad. it helped a little. talked to a therapist. that helped a lot.

    I also took time for myself and treated myself to a couple things. being kind to yourself is the first step to being kind to others (imo).

    when we ended up talking again she kind of acted like it was nbd to not talk to me for a month after i confronted her over her crappy treatment of me. she wanted to essentially pick up where we left off and gloss over all the issues. i stood up for myself instead. that ended up ending our friendship.

    while i cannot speak to your situation, i do send my love to you, and acknowledge how complex and deeply hurtful these times can be in a friendship. stay true to yourself <3

  8. Idk. I guess, drinking wine. I love & miss my person. Nothing will help, except being with them.

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