It’s the classic story, and I’m terrified of telling him.

I (F18) have been close with this guy (M18) for about 2 years. We started off as friends, but there was eventually something romantic. It was never official, but we kissed a few times and there was obviously a shared attraction.

Then it just stopped out of no where. In fact, he distanced himself from me entirely, and I have no idea why. I was crushed, but we eventually became friends again and our friendship is stronger than it was before (but not romantic).

He means the world to me, but that’s the problem. Is it worth risking the friendship? He has asked to hang out alone a lot more recently (which we never really did before) and we talk every day. However, I just assume it’s out of friendship, and he has no romantic intention.

Other people say otherwise, but I’m too scared to face the situation. The idea of losing him is soul-crushing, but I also dread carrying this weight.

TLDR: I love my best friend, but I can’t stand the idea of losing my favorite person. Should I honestly risk it?

  1. Are you content with staying just as friends forever? If yes then go ahead and stay quiet. But if you aren’t happy with that which I assume you are not then it’s better to take the chance. At least you will have a direct answer. If it works out great. If not, it’s okay. Learn to let it go. Whatever pain from the rejection will be less than the limbo you are currently living.

  2. Honestly, i also caught feelings for my bestfriend, well i kinda knew she also had feelings for me tooo, so I asked her to be my Gf, which she said yes to but soon she broke up with me and now we are again besties 😂

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