how much do you typically pay for a haircut?

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    i choppity chop my own hair, just a lil trim every now and then so i can do it on my own

  2. I’m willing to pay up to $80 if it’s a specialized cut, but since I’m a stylist so I trim my own hair 🙂

  3. When I got it done well it was 80-100 including tip. So not I cut it myself haha

  4. I haven’t cut my hair in years, but 20 or so bucks at Great Clips

  5. Mostly do it myself. Once a year or so I’ll pay my friend $40 to cut it since they went to beauty school and can make it actually look nice

  6. Daughter of a hair stylist, so nothing. However my mom charges $50+ for a haircut

  7. $250 after tip but I only get my hair cut once a year (horrible I know)

  8. If I’m just getting it cut roughly $80-100 plus tip. If I’m doing colour then it’s usually around $350-400 plus tip and that’s with my stylist giving me a discount.

    To be fair I have a lot of hair. The last time I had a cut and colour it took approximately 4-5 hours from start to finish if I recall correctly.

  9. About $100 with tip. She’s a bit pricier than some of the other people at the salon I go to, but she’s also amazing. Cut, plus a modest tip to her (she’s the owner) and a generous tip to the person who washes my hair. (not sure what her title is)

  10. Wow, you all pay a lot. I pay max 7$. It’s significantly cheaper in my country.

  11. 20-30 euros, sometimes I’ll get a nice hair mask or something. My hair isn’t fussy at all, basically anybody with half a day’s experience would be able to do it.

  12. I trim myself but once or twice a year I get my hair colored and trimmed which costs around $150

  13. $65-$120, plus tip (20%).

    I used to get $10-$25 hair cuts and they were usually fine. I was only unhappy once. In high school, one of my friends cut my hair for pretty cheap and did a good job. Got it cut a beauty schools for $5 as a little kid; also fine.

    But once I wasn’t broke, I decided to try a nicer salon, and I haven’t looked back. I love trying out new things like demi-permanent gloss which tints your hair slightly and makes it shinier. My hair also grew longer and was less easily tangled once I started going to the pricier salon. (I have very fine hair)

    I miss going. Gah. (High risk, so unmasked hair cut…nope.) Was growing my hair out anyway, but I’d like to stop now pls.

  14. $20 – $25 (I go to a cheap place where haircut is around $15 plus tip). I get my hair cut every 1 – 2 years. I really could get my mom to cut my hair. My niece is 14 and she cuts her own hair bob. Her parents want to take her every 7 months but she likes her style and cut it herself with a mirror. It is cute.

    Bleaching and dyeing is a different story. It costs me over $250 for supplies when I did it myself the first time. It took 8 times bleaching myself to get it to level blonde that I can tone and that took over 2 weeks to achieve and lot of patience. My hair is thick, wavy, and dark brown/almost black. Now it is about $40-60 to maintain it. I still do it myself every couple of months. One of my coworkers thought my hair is a wig because she couldn’t believe how thick it was. It would be really expensive for me to get my hair bleach and maintain by a stylist. I am guessing around $1000 for first time and around $200-300 for maintain. I had it bleach one time as a college student and they didn’t even lift it enough to get out of the orange stage and charged me almost $200 for just the bang area…Yeah, I like doing my own hair and it is better than what a stylist could do for me with my limited budget for hair.

  15. I pay about $300ish for a really good stylist that specializes in alt haircuts and dying. I only go 3 times a year so worth every penny.

  16. Free as a friend does it for me but I give the person who shampoos my hair a huge tip (friend own the salon. It’s one of the more expensive ones in town).

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