So it’s been about two weeks now since we broke up and all I want to do is see him and have sex. How can I get over this quicker? The break up was probably really needed because we were sorta toxic together, the relationship had it’s good points and the good seemed to out weigh the bad, but my needs were not being met and this usually led to an argument. He could never give me a concrete answer on our future, we were together for 5 years.

  1. Block him. Delete his number and all texts. Don’t go on dates yet. Talking and chatting will help, but the actual dates will hurt.. It will just make you feel worse. Give yourself a month to just be, then try. Hang out with your friends or join Meetup and expand your social circle. I got a therapist and it really helped when I was having feelings. He was able to explain what my brain was doing with those feelings. That plus deleting his number kept me from reaching out in weak moments.

    I was over my ex by 4 months. He contacted me to reconcile at 5 months, and I wasn’t interested. I’m 6 months out and couldn’t imagine ever dating my ex again. I’m starting a new relationship with someone who seems much more suited for me.

  2. Self love in all forms; order in something nice and aggressive masturbation.

  3. Totally get this, 2 years down the separation road and I’m still not over it, I’ve tried dating but nothing sticks, nothing feels the same, but it will just take time I know that, I just need to keep working on me

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