I began wondering about this because someone took my necklace, wears it himself, and refuses to give it back to me because “it looks better on him” – but I find this whole situation of me having to ask again and again for him to return my necklace to be bizarre. Is this how guys feel when girls take their hoodies and never return them… 🙃

typo, *woman’s, not women’s 😂

  1. Lmao he just stole your necklace, like a little kid who just got his ball stolen on the playground.

  2. No. And not really with hoodies, because girls stretch hoodies over their stupid knees and ruin them anyway. So whatever.

  3. The heck kind of shit is this? lol

    Sounds like he’s just a degenerate.


    I would never do that because I don’t wear jewelry, but LMAO.

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