I had mentioned it in the past but the wife always brushed it off. Now it is for real. I don’t think she’s aware I’m planning to do it… Any ideas or pointers?

  1. More a suggestion. Make sure you talk to a lawyer before talking to your wife.

    I’d probably also make sure you have a rough outline of a game plan on how you want things to go down before you drop the hammer on it. Also a contingency plan for if things completely go to shit.

    Hmm, I actually know a guy dropping divorce papers this Saturday…. You Canadian?

  2. If it has gotten bad enough that you can’t approach the subject without getting into a fight, be sure you have other living Arrangements set-up, then approach her, hand her the papers, be ready with the big bag and tell her that any future communication will be between your lawyers and walk away.

  3. Last month you threatened suicide, and now you’ve revealed that your wife “brush off” your divorce threats. Sounds like you do this a lot. You’re just looking for attention. Seek mental help.

  4. “Brush it off”? You aren’t telling her this for approval or acceptance or even discussion. Let her know your decision, let her know your plan, and turn and walk away.

  5. Sung to the tune of “Hello My Baby”

    Goodbye old lady, goodbye oh old paint, goodbye, my ex wife now”

  6. 1) Do you have kids?

    2) Do you have shared property?

    3) Have you sought the advice of an attorney?

  7. Be ruthless. You can always be kind or generous later, at will. Don’t put yourself in a precarious situation. If you have kids, keep them entirely out of it, and work toward joint equal custody.

  8. Be prepared with both legal and financial counsel. I am educated in both matters and was still under prepared. You need to treat this both as an emotional and contractual end of a relationship.

  9. Make sure you have spoken with a lawyer first. Get your ducks in a row before you make any announcements.

    Once you have all your shit together legally and financially – then hit the divorce button on your wife

  10. Echoing the others, with a twist.

    Interview a couple of lawyers, and find the one that is a fit for you. I had a terrible communicator to start my divorce. Made a switch to someone who was a better fit for me and got almost everything I wanted.

    Good luck. Divorce is like taking nasty medicine; it tastes awful for now but removes cancer from your life in the long run.

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