What is one time you spoke up and it made a difference?

  1. A classmate of mine got bullied and despite being shy I finally spoke up, turns out other people had been thinking the same and that put an end to the bullying

  2. The first thing that comes to mind is my gf. She’s got a lot of issues and one of the reasons I love her so much is she respects my feedback and works on changing.

    And I do the same. Communicating and speaking up is key in relationships

  3. I called osha to my workplace after my management wouldn’t fix their broken equipment and tried to have me operate in a potentially life threatening manner. New ladders aren’t in the budget? How about a $50,000 fine?

  4. It was back in middle school when some poor kid was getting bullied by a bunch of douchebags in the P.E. locker room.
    (It had been going on for a long time and the PE teacher didn’t give af, and since I didn’t know him I really didn’t care either). But this one time while he was taking a shower they got his clothes and threw them in the shower and when he got out and noticed, everyone started laughing and he just looked like he wanted to cry. And I don’t know what happened but it just pissed me off and I got up and got into the leader of the groups face and I told him that if he or any of his friends ever messed with that kid again that they were going to have a problem with me. He had this smug look on his face but he didn’t say or do anything and they just walked off and that poor kid just looked at me and after that as far as I know (at least in that class) they never messed with him again.

  5. During covid someone was mouthing off at a member of staff and getting in his personal space.

    Dude filled his pants when I called him out on it.

  6. I told them I wanted to make a return. They said they couldn’t hear me. I spoke up. They acknowledged what I said and begun the return process for me ✊🏽

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