what are the pros and cons of living alone as a woman?

  1. Pros, I get to decorate my own space to my liking. And everything is kept where I left it.

    Cons, cooking! I get tired of leftovers quickly so a lot of my food goes to waste unfortunately.

  2. Pros – I do what I want, when I want. Have my friends around when I feel like it. Sometimes I just like being alone. Too much probably.

    Cons – once found my weird next door neighbour looking through my window at 1am! And It was terrifying.
    I have a dog now.

  3. * All the food in the house is yours.
    * You can switch off that little voice that considers what everyone else wants/expects from you when you shut the front door.
    * You can have your own systems of organisation and stick to them, even if that means keeping your phone under your knickers on the floor.
    * You can arrange the furniture and decorate however you fancy
    * You can have friends to stay whenever you want to
    * You can say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to invitations without having to check with someone else first.
    * No one ever finishes the last of the bread/milk/chocolate/icecream without you knowing about it.
    * You get full control of the remote.
    * You always get the comfy chair
    * You can set the temperature to one that suits you
    * Once you’ve tidied the kitchen, it stays clean until you next go in there.
    * You can have music that you like, or quiet, depending on your mood.
    * You don’t have to entertain someone else’s weird friends/family

  4. I feel safer living with someone else, and it’s less of a financial strain if you can split bills, shopping, and household expenses with another person.

    But living alone gives you the freedom to do as you please. You can come and go without worrying about disturbing someone else, invite whoever you want to visit, decorate and organise how you want, pick what you want to watch, what to cook, no bathroom line – the list is endless.

  5. Pros : I love being alone, I enjoy watching my cheap dramas and reading and I eat whatever and I only text people I don’t have to talk. i accomplish things faster and easier, and I am not responsible for anyone other than myself which feels amazing

    Cons : I get nightmares frequently, it feels horrible to wake up alone

  6. Pros – do whatever you want, eat whatever you want, watch whatever you want. Unrestricted farting. I like my alone time. No one to look pretty for.

    Cons – no one to do certain jobs, like assembling a bed frame or getting rid of big rubbish (I pay people to do this though so whatever). Sometimes it gets lonely, it can be nice to share things with people you love.

  7. Pros: do what I like, watch tv whenever I want, eat whatever and whenever I want, no negotiations on decor, food, going out etc.

    Cons: I have an “accountability” motivation style – I’m motivated by deadlines and expectations, which is great at work but without someone else to be accountable to at home I tend to go feral and wind up eating cheese and malteasers in front of generic US police dramas at 2am and forgetting to shower.

  8. Pro: not being annoyed when coming home from a long hard day.
    Cont: nobody to take care of you when you come home from a long hard day.
    You have to pay all on your own but you won’t lose your home when losing a relationship.

  9. * my biggest pro is that I can justify/tolerate my own messes – i would feel bad about leaving dishes for someone else, but when its just me I can do it tomorrow
    * con is that sometimes I can go a day without interacting with another human person.

  10. Pro: no one will come in unless you invite them, so no surprises or having to be presentable for someone else’s guests.
    Con: house chores and judgy neighbors, I got the stink eye for leaving alone with cats so at 23 I’m apparently the crazy cat lady.

  11. I guess this means a romantic live in partner.

    Pros: I find that when I have lived with a man it was more work than when living alone with my kids. They are another person to look after. More washing, more mess, more cooking and weird eating habits to accommodate for, more to organise. I also have to take on the emotional labour of their family, remembering their birthdays etc on top of everything else. Living alone is less work. There’s also an expectation that the time alone together has to be a joint activity so you have to find something that you both enjoy and you have less time for your own interests. I really like my own space and free time.

    Cons: I guess sometimes it could come in useful to have an extra adult in the house who can drive, pick stuff up, help with a specific chore last minute etc. But, I’ve got all that covered myself. Oh, not having regular hair strokes, cuddles and sex.

  12. Pros – can have complete comfort with what I wear, eating according to my own schedule, cleaning whenever convenient and talking to myself about everything and anything 😅

    Cons- washing dishes, checking for ghosts behind curtains and loneliness

  13. Cons – nobody to share the household maintenance and chores with.

    Pros – Everything else. I love living alone. So much freedom.

  14. Well the pros are definitely that everything is yours and you’re more independent.
    The cons is…I am honestly anxious sometimes being out late – especially when walking home by myself.

  15. Pros:

    I can decorate how I want it to look and I don’t have to ask/compromise about it or allow their potentially dirty furniture/stuff inside my home, everything in the house belongs to me, never having to clean up after someone else (except the dog), things are always where I left them, being able to do what I want when I want without having to be considerate or ask if it’s okay first, the food is my choice always, not feeling bad or guilty if I do something they don’t like (like waking them up at night by going to the bathroom 5 times), doing home exercise without being interrupted or watched, being independent, not having to share shelf space, not dealing with people I don’t know, I have no interruptions from time to myself and my personal space is large, noise level is mostly what I decide it to be, etc.

    Basically; independence, not having to compromise, freedom to do what I want when I want, no negativity from others, a safe space for me.


    Having to pay for everything myself, it’s kinda expensive sometimes. Not having anyone to help out with cooking, grocery shopping and taking the dog out when I’m sick and down for the count. Having to do all the difficult crap myself, like assembling IKEA furniture, getting screws and nails in the wall to hang stuff up, dealing with wasps nests and unclogging drains.

    The pros outweigh the cons by a million, and I’m not sure if I ever want to live with another person ever again to be honest, I hate having no personal space and to clean up after other people.

  16. Pros. You don’t have to clean up after ANYONE else.

    You can take liberties with interior design and you make all the choices. You don’t have to worry about keeping expensive things in the house or losing anything, or having your property damaged or stolen by roommates or kids.

    You get the fridge and storage all to yourself. When my daughter moved out, I transformed her room into a guest room, and my other daughters room into a second room for myself, my clothes, shoes, makeup and things all go there now.

    It’s so freeing to not have to pick up after other people.

    Cons: safety. Once people figure out you live alone, you’ll feel a lot less safe.

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