I am 34, my girlfriend is 26. She is very warm and passionate over text-chat apps like WeChat – all kinds of love emoticons, very affectionate in texts – but every time we’re actually *together in person,* she is quite cold, aloof and formal, almost as if she’s not my girlfriend. I find this puzzling. I could certainly ask her myself, but first wanted to scout out the Internet opinion as to why this is the case, since I’m sure some other people can relate. Why would someone be warm over text and cold in person?

TL;DR, my girlfriend is very affectionate over text, but quite cold in person.

  1. It’s possible that she’s extremely nervous in person and feels ok to be herself/ talk to you on text. Just ask her what the deal is

  2. I find it much easier to express my feelings over a secondary medium.
    I get so anxious face to face.
    I have been in a relationship with my SO for 22 years and we do better with that medium.
    I think it might be because we can the time to digest our answer and not answer in the moment.

    Act rather than react? I’m not sure I’d that makes sense. I hope so.

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