So i met this girl in a class the two of us had, we were very friendly towards each other occasionally we would walk around campus on lunch just the two of us, she was on the volleyball team and would ask me to come to games,at the time I declined because i had just started my first part time job and didn’t have the time, we maintained a platonic friendship up until I dropped out of high school, occasionally we’d talk on social media from time to time to were it’d would just be a few messages back and forth
About a year ago i downloaded bumble, she sent a like to me and out of curiosity I matched with her to see what would happen, nothing was ever did, either she wasn’t really interested or too nervous to send a message due to the way bumble dms work
Now a year later i can’t keep thinking if I should ask and see what that was about or forget it ever happened and move on with life, but it keeps at eating me i want to know but im just to nervous to do something any advice would be very much appreciated

  1. No need to ask if she’s single. Just start up a convo, shoot the shit doe a bit, then ask her out

  2. Bro you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. There’s no chance of you two having anything together if you don’t contact her. Take her out on a date and move from there.

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