My [23F] boyfriend [23M] and I have been dating for about a year and a half. We were recently temporarily living together for 5 months while he was interning at a college (the apartment was part of his pay). When our lease was up he decided to move back in with his mom until he found another job. Since I’d like to live with him again, I didn’t want to start another lease, so I moved in with my dad. My boyfriend knows that my relationship with my dad is complicated, and i couldn’t afford a place on my own. It is not a fun dynamic to be a part of, but he’s letting me live here until we find a new place. Here’s the issue. My boyfriend doesn’t seem to be in any kind of rush to find a new job and a new place to live. He almost seems too comfortable living at home. He also knew of the relationship with my dad and didn’t ask me how i felt about it, or give me any other options. He also said that the stay with his mom and my dad would be very short, but he’s been without a job since mid May and I’m starting to get concerned. I should also mention that the entire time we’ve been together, I’ve been the “bread winner” and he seems more than okay with letting me pay for everything. Should I wait on him? Should I get a roommate?

TLDR: my [23F] boyfriend [23M] has has been without a job for over a month and doesn’t seem to be looking for a new one.

  1. You absolutely can’t rely on him- time to get your own place (find a room in a house or look with a roommate etc) and stop waiting for him. It’s extremely difficult to get a job when you’re fresh out of school and haven’t had much experience, so even if he tries (which it doesn’t sound like he’s doing), he could be looking for many more months.

  2. Hell… get a roommate, and move back out.

    That way, you’re not waiting on the boyfriend to get moving.

    Now.. if we get to September or October, and he’s still not showing any signs of life… then… it may be time to put yourself back on the market.

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