What trait do you possess that you are self-conscious about but others see as desirable or an asset?

  1. I have a very bad poker face, what I feel is on my face (so I’ve been told), and I am hella conscious about it, I am hurt, you’ll see, I am angry you’ll see that, and at times when I want to pretend that shit doesnt affect me, my ever traitor face decides to ditch me

    Contrarily, some of my friends have complimented that they like how expressive my face is

  2. Being clumsy, O hate it when people say it’s cute because I just know that if they spent the day with them and broke their dishes rather than the restaurant’s dishes they’d be super annoyed at me, also I just feel bad whenever I break something.

  3. Being a “control freak / perfectionist.” Granted, it is definitely mostly due to OCD, but I have so much trouble relying on people to work correctly or throughly and often go out of my way and expend a lot of time and energy to do something the right way instead of letting someone else do it, especially if the work will be connected to my name in some way. I would much rather just do it myself. And I’m so particular about such tiny minute details that are often insignificant, but they bother me so bad I can’t just leave it. Have to fix it and make it symmetrical or cohesive or whatever. It will haunt me if it doesn’t work in my mind. It’s exhausting. I’ve been greatly commended for my “attention to detail” and “computer abilities” and “neatness.” I’m trying to get away from these compulsions but it’s hard.

  4. I’m tall. I’ve always been tall. I grew up with people telling me how I could model, and how omgggg your legs are soo longggg and I always wanted to tell them that I’d give my left kidney to just be 5’6, 5’7.

  5. My “strawberry face” they would say my pores looks like tiny strawberry seeds and it looks cute for them 🙂

  6. I am the exact opposite. My habit is annoying to others but I consider it an asset. I get very involved in other people’s projects (art projects mostly) if they ask my opinion. I just love things a lot, I’m very passionate, so when I have the opportunity I give all my interest as if it’s my project. My boyfriend says it makes him uncomfortable because he feels like I’m stealing his authority on that project in a way. And I understand that, but I don’t think you can get so angry with someone just because he’s too involved, right?

  7. I’m ‘skinny’, which I guess a lot of people (claim to) want to be. But that also means I have tiny A-cup boobs, narrow hips, no waiste and a small butt. That’s something people never take into account when they say they want to be skinny.

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