Hello people! I (23f) met a guy 1 year ago and we got along great, but nothing happened. 2 months ago we started talking by text and we were together 3 times. After we were together he started talking to me less, but he still responded. He once said to me “I need to talk to you” and he didn’t tell me what it was when I asked and he didn’t answer. so I didn’t tell him anything else either because I noticed he wasn’t interested (this happened 3 weeks ago). A few days ago, I met him on the street and after he decided to send me a message asking why i had disappeared, i told him that he started ignoring me. after an exchange of arguments, he said he broke up with his ex and that at the time he was with me he was talking to her, but things didn’t work out. I explained to him that I’d rather he had told me and that it would be okay. he apologized. he is now being very sweet and so.

I know this is just a casual thing and that’s what I want too. I don’t see him as a future boyfriend, I just wanted to have something fun but respectful. What would you do? should i give it a go considering this will be nothing more than a fun thing? Or will I get hurt? I like him, I think we get along well

TL;DR: guy ghosted me because he started talking with his ex

  1. Yeah. What he did was shitty. And then accusing YOU of disappearing is shittier.

    I think that displays a certain lack of integrity. It wouldn’t have been that hard to send a text that said, “Hey, my ex and I have been talking again and we might be getting back together and I know this hasn’t really been anything but it feels inappropriate for me to keep chatting with you.”

    That’s the mature thing to do. That’s what a person of integrity would do. So, I mean, if you’re going to date him, you just know that he isn’t either of those things.

  2. No, no, 100% no. Let me be the example of the dumb puta who went back before. Spoiler alert: he did the same shit again.

  3. Follow the actions, not the words. How immature of him to just ghost you and then blame you? Quality men don’t do this.

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