How often do you weigh yourself before and after a bathroom trip and what’s your record weight loss in one sitting?

  1. I’ve never done that, but the most weight I’ve lost in two days, I usually weight myself every two days, is 6 pounds.

  2. Lost two pounds once on thanksgiving day. Of course I gained overall that day….worth it!!

  3. I check my weight every two weeks. Most lost between checks was 22 lbs (then again this was after SERE school and it was four weeks long).

  4. I wish I weighed myself before and after for this one time. Once I took a shit so in massive and solid, it came out looking like a soda can that was also 3 inches taller. Came out all at once and took probably 10 minutes. I wish I was exaggerating. I flushed the toilet without adding anything else, no toilet paper, nothing (I did wipe but after I flushed it first) and the shit itself clogged the toilet. Surprisingly, none of my roommates were interested in that at the time, I wonder why 🤔. Again, not even the slightest embellishment of the story. I felt so relieved afterwards. If I had to guesstimate, probably 6,7 lbs easy, maybe more. I didn’t shit for 3 days prior.

  5. Just got off a bad stomach bug.

    You bet your ass I was weighing myself. Lost three pounds on one trip.

  6. About 5lbs doing keto. Damn thing wouldn’t cut, i had to break it in half manually, rest, and get the remainder out.

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