How does a man love himself?

  1. Mouse and a free hand. Headphones help. Seriously though. You have to make yourself in to something you are proud of.

  2. Be the person you fantasize about being.

    We all have different desires and dreams. Figure out what yours are, and what you need to do to get them.

    Never do anything that makes you feel gross, just to try to further it, and revisit in 5 years.

    It’s nice to write these things down as sort of a barometer and see if it changes.

    Eating well and working out is generally the best step you can in the direction of taking care of yourself, which is loving yourself.

    Care for yourself as though you are taking care of someone you love.

  3. He actually admits to himself, his faults and shortcomings. Then works on them to become what he would judge to be, someone he can love.

  4. It’s s out being able to prioritize yourself always then giving to others what you reasonable can after you eat yourself. It’s also about having integrity by sticking to the moral codes that you uphold for yourself. It’s also about having self awareness and not always feeling the need to be right even if you are.

  5. Haha He does what removes toxins from his body (such as work up a good sweat every other day or so).

    Similarly, he does what removes poisonous people & poisonous thinking from his life.

  6. Stare in the mirror until your walls break down and accept yourself. Whatever that may be. Then start working on if you can accept yourself in the way you treat others.

  7. Being open to the full range of human emotion is a good place to start, I think. It seems like men are expected to be strong and silent or angry, with nothing in between, or else just bumbling idiots who need constant supervision. I think being aware of, and being open to experiencing and ENJOYING the full spectrum of emotion would be so good for so many men. There’s this toxic idea that anything beautiful, soft, or thoughtful is *gay*, and “real men” don’t do that. Maybe just enjoy things, no matter what they are? I don’t know, just a thought.

  8. been pondering that question for years. I assume it’s with my dominant hand.

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