What do you think are the main qualities of a mature man?

  1. Smart financial choices. He doesn’t have to be rich, but he needs to be mature and educated enough to allocate what he has wisely.

  2. Reliable, honest, not superficial, not playing games. Does something reasonable / useful with his life (doesn’t mean he has to strive for a career). Being able to criticise calmly and objectively without insulting others. Accepting criticism if it’s polite and fair. Able to lead his life without constant support/help from others. Knowing that violence or aggressiveness doesn’t solve problems.

  3. There are a lot of different characteristics that make someone seem mature to me. It includes stuff like: Emotional and mental maturity and stability, physical maturity, taking personal responsibility for their own words/actions, being considerate and thoughtful, taking care of themselves/their lives, self-reflection, empathy, kind, generosity of spirit, being self-sufficient, feeling secure in themselves

  4. a mature knows how to do chores and cook. not afraid to take responsibilty or realize he carries responsibility. A mature man knows how to manage his time and money wisely.

  5. Big Dad Energy, shows up when he says he will, financially responsible, goes to therapy and manages his triggers and traumas, manages his physical health (eats at least semi healthy, goes to the doctor when needed), caretakes others with whatever skills he has (doesn’t have to be caretaking like a grandma or anything, but improving the lives of others using the resources he has).

  6. Accountability for his actions, honesty, cares about bettering himself (not talking about financially or status), has control over his emotions, puts in effort to the things that matter to him.
    Not met a man like this though.
    I’m about there but need to do better at not being reactive to other people’s anger.

  7. Honestly, nothing is worse than a guy that changes everything about himself just to get people to like him. I like guys that stand up for what they believe in and are true to themselves.

  8. Can communicate well and articulate his feelings/thoughts. For example, “it bothers me when you do that. Or… please don’t do that”. Most relationship issues are a result of poor communication.

    I recently went on a date with a teacher and it blew my mind how much I desired and longed for someone who could communicate himself well. He’s 34 and I’m 26. It was beautiful.

  9. Reliable. Honest. Independent. Self-reliant. Understands the value of his family. Treats his mother with love & respect (how a man treats his mother is a very clear sign to me of how I am going to be treated & respected).

  10. Someone who truly understands equality in a relationship. That a relationship is a partnership that tackles life together. When sh** hits the fan I want to know that, maybe after some private venting, we can both rationally solve the problem.

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