I struggle a lot with keeping conversations going beyond basic small talk like “how’s it going?” “hows work?” etc.

I can never think of anything interesting to say whenever I’m i a social situation, nothing ever comes to mind.

What kind of things do people usually talk about when having longer conversations with friends? Also any ideas for practising and getting better?

  1. Just talk about what you find interesting. If they don’t then maybe just keep that relationship to a superficial level. But be open, usually people enjoy that

  2. Ask questions, for some odd reason humans are interested in people that are interested in them. You heard he got a ps5, ask questions (not cost) like where you on waiting list, etc and go from there, add your personal exp about consoles or thoughts of getting one etc. Did she went hiking, be like how long was it or hard to do, then add personal exp about related topics. Did they stayed in for the weekend, ask what did they do and you share what you did, food you ordered etc. Usually topics tend to navigate all over the place. If you are not very close to them avoid politics, religion, rated R stuff, income

  3. My suggestion would be to observe n try to connect dots. For example at work if u standing in cafeteria. You observed food. Now connect dots Food mean Taste, Colours, texture, choice, cooking. Etc.

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