I wrote here earlier, about a year ago asking for an advice how to procede on a crush on a fellow gamer. Well, we started dating soon after meeting each other. It turned out I was and am his first girlfriend. There were some big issues in the early states; me being little jealous and him not knowing he wanted a relationship. The biggest issue was me getting pregnant and us not being ready for that.

However, we’ve been together almost a year. We decided months ago that we’ll move in together, because long distance is long distance. And we knew summer was going to be hard; I work a lot and so does he and our jobs escalate during summer. But it’s been really hard. We decided that we’ll move in together after summer and now it’s closing in.. and we’re starting to fall apart.

It’s been few times he’s been ready to leave me, but somehow we talked it through. Or I thought is was mutual. The reasons behind leaving has been mostly about me; the latest one being I don’t put him first. Before that it was my lazines with dealing things with the moving. I’m quitting my job in a family business and moving from job related house.. with dogs. And I currently life with my sister who also works at the company, who my dad is threatening to evict because I’m leaving.

I know I’ve been lazy. But it’s mostly because it’s hard to deal with my dad. I think he thinks I’m not leaving. I’ve heard it. He doesn’t trust in my relationship. But mostly he’s just securing his company. But still it hurts. And I’m not sure my bf wants to life with me. There I said it. It seems he keeps finding new things about me he doesn’t like or trust. Now. When I’m about to turn my life around for him.

But I love him. Makes everything better, right? We were going to discuss our future in the following days.. but my sister finally caught covid so I’m not going nowhere. And I feel he’s slipping away… can’t bare it.

so. I need a question here. Is there something I could do?

TL;DR! relationship falling apart. Family business. Gaming.

  1. >But I love him. Makes everything better, right?

    No. If he’s attempted to leave you like you alluded to here but you just keep convincing him to not, it’s only a matter of time until he stops dealing with you and say no for real.

  2. It sounds like you’re giving up an awful lot for someone who is wishy-washy on whether or not he wants to be with you. I certainly wouldn’t be giving up my job and my house unless I was certain that the relationship was strong and committed.

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