Men in their 20s, what do you do for fun? Solo or with friends

  1. Videogames mostly, tho I recently got into 40k so im also starting to get into painting n the like.

  2. By myself I’m getting back into exercising currently cardio to lose weight then going to add back weight training. Video games, shows, movies, look at girls on dating apps and imagine a life together.

    With friends mostly get food or go to a bar and grab a drink. Though I do this a lot less than in the past.

    Right now I’ve been focusing on getting a new job (starting soon!) so I’m not doing much exciting. I’m thinking of picking up a hobby like pottery or painting maybe take a class after work and round myself out a little (not physically did that enough already during covid).

  3. I’m reading a good bit. Been pretty invested in Jazz history and culture recently so got some books on that(Louis Armstrong’s autobiography is amazing everyone should read it). Am also listening to a lot of Jazz. Just started taking dance lessons yesterday. That’s kinda fun. Then on weekends I’ll go out to bars and spend time with friends. Then there’s movies and tv or the occasional video game.

  4. Solo: Gaming, going for a walk/run with my headphones in, listening to music, watching stuff on TV/YouTube

    With friends: Go out drinking, go out to eat somewhere, chill out with them at one of our houses Gaming or smoking weed, go to theme parks, go bowling, go crazy golf, go cinema etc etc etc.. all sorts really.

  5. Solo, fishing and hunting

    With friends almost everything like cruises, clubs, trips, watching sports and drinking beer, BBQ, or just hanging out.

  6. I’m friends with a ton of musicians in my city, so almost every weekend, if I’m not playing a show myself, I’m going to see them play

  7. Video games, solo hikes, solo weekend road trips, take care of my army of house plants, work out or go on runs, or get high and watch good movies.

    I do all of those aside from the house plants with people too if I have someone to hang out with.

  8. Trying new places. If I feel like having that new flavor of Boba tea or going to an Arcade, I don’t have to worry about paying for a whole family, since I am single. There’s no risk in trying new places so I take advantage of it.

  9. Solo i like to take walks, workout, read, do shotty drawings

    With friends I like to go and do beaches, walks in parks, museums, parties, axe throwing, trying different cuisines, concerts etc…

  10. Hiking, camping, bushcraft, shop knives, lego, video games, talk to friends, go out to eat, etc

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