The answer was my cum face. According to my gf, I have zero expression on my face when I orgasm, which she thought was impossible until she had sex with me. Apparently, all of her previous partners had “O” faces and it was something she actually looked forward to seeing during the climax. She did a demonstration of what I looked like when I cum, and based on her reenactment, I look like I shut down emotionally and switch to autopilot. I doubt my lack of expression is as bad as she made it out to be, but it’s probably close enough. She made it seem like it was no big deal, but that didn’t stop her from encouraging me to masturbate in front of the mirror and come up with a cum face that will make her cum. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought cum faces happen naturally. If I randomly invent one, wouldn’t that be faking it?

  1. It should definitely come naturally. Having said that, I think many people suppress their natural reaction because they don’t want to look stupid. There’s something refreshing about knowing a person came so hard they just let go.

    Like I don’t “have” to moan yet “allowing” myself to be verbal isn’t fake. If that makes sense.

    But, if you feel this is just your natural, unrestrained reaction then I wouldn’t worry about it.

  2. I feel like that’s kind of a harsh critic and it should come naturally. I’d have mixed feelings about that

  3. Let loose dude, guy’s are so hung up on being in control. Moan Groan & realize she wants to visualize the pleasure she is giving you, it may be the trigger for another orgasm for her.

  4. Hmm that’s weird. I personally don’t care what someone’s face looks like when they orgasm.

  5. When I was younger I used to tape sex now and then. My O face wasn’t great. I was kind of slack jaw and looked like a mouth breather. I worked on the O face and got something a bit better.

  6. I feel if you just close your eyes when you cum, maybe breathe out a lil bit that’s probably all she needs. I don’t think most people have like outrageous cum faces, but I do know it is very easy to unintentionally hold your breath when you’re cumming which can maybe make you look a lil weird.

  7. Honestly, I think its good that she was open enough to communicate about it. I may be wrong but by the sounds of it, it doesn’t seem to have a very heavy impact on your sex life. However, if you begin to find that you think about this alot, it’s best to communicate with your partner. There’s no problem a little bit of communication can’t solve

  8. Lol um yeah I’d b faking it, but the saying is fake it till you make it 🤭🤭🤭Actually she is partially right in regards to facial expressions is everything. I love to see my man rolled his eyes back and mouth open, moaning that’s everything to me, I feel like I accomplished something for him, us.

  9. I feel like this is such a small detail to focus on.

    Like…why does it matter what your face does/doesn’t do when you orgasm? Haha

  10. If you want to be more facially expressive withour being dishonest, try to get better in tune with your breath during the act. Nice deep breaths out through the mouth, if any moans wanna come with them feel free to let them out

  11. I’m sorry but this is hilarious to picture lmaoooo I think you should stick with it. Or surprise her one day and do one so extreme that she never mentions it again.

  12. You’re good bro sometimes when I know I’m gonna come quick which is rare I have no expression because I dont want my gf to know I came so that way it gives her time to finish up seconds afterwards

  13. This have no relevance at all but I’m a virgin and obviously we are all guys and watch porn but when the guy finishes and the girl doesn’t is that normal during sex or does the girl have to finish to class it as ‘good sex’

  14. I had that problem, I didn’t realize that i was too focused on doing a good job. I was enjoying myself and the orgasm was intense. So just mentioning that I was more expressive.

    I did make a joke about it:.” Sorry, must be from my time in prison” didn’t go over too well. Mind you she had no sense of humor:-)

  15. I absolutely adore my husbands cum face. Especially when he starts to shake, curl his toes and squeeze his eyes shut let’s me know I did an amazing job. That said, everyone is different. Don’t feel bad that your SO thinks your reaction is weird, because it’s not. Your cum face is yours alone and it’s beautifully unique. Don’t fake a thing!

  16. My husband had a blank expression for an O face too, until I told him I liked seeing him enjoying himself as much as he enjoys watching me.

  17. I can see you practicing your cum face in front of the mirror, and I can’t stop laughing

  18. From her point of view it probably looks like you’re not enjoying yourself and she’s self conscious about it. Women like a bit of feed back too ya know.

    So just let go. Get in there. Hold her tight, pound her, grunt and snort like a bull as you orgasm. Have fun.

  19. Oh no, that’s an odd thing to point out I’ll just say don’t let her inexperience become your problem

  20. I close my eyes during sex so I have no idea what anyone looks like during sex/orgasm 😆 a moan is a definite turn on. But she should be ok with however your face moves during orgasm. It’s just you. And that’s ok. Maybe could explain that the face you make is of total peace and that’s why no expression, and she makes you feel that way? Or something similar so she understands that she brings you ecstacy and you don’t need an expression for that 🤷

  21. Cum on face moving forward her eyes will be closed or looking elsewhere 😂😂

  22. Cum faces happen naturally yes but you might be suppressing yourself. It’s possible you subconsciously feel insecure or ashamed of your O face so you hide it without realizing it. When you were younger, did you ever have to suppress your sexual expression in order to be quiet when you masturbated? If so, you might have learned to keep it all bottled up inside abs made it a habit. Try moaning when you cum and you might discover it’s not actually fake even if it feels fake the first few times.

  23. You guys probably shouldn’t have assigned number values to your sex life. And then you probably shouldn’t have asked about the 9/10, lol.

  24. Fake it till you make it. Make an effort to vocalize which will cause your lips to move and combined with your orgasm should cause some sort of expression. Like an,”Oh yeah!” when you cum or something. Do it like you want someone to read your lips. Don’t be afraid of it looking funny because that happens sometimes.

  25. Meh I mean I get your end. But as a woman sex has always meant some amount of adding sexy to the equation. When I masturbate it’s short sweet and to the point (like never over 1min) and I doubt I make any significant facial expressions. I do however react strongly to sex with my partner and it’s pretty easy/natural to do.

  26. Do not let this make you complex and be patient with yourself. I have read other comments and most of them are productive and good and it is good to know that you are taking them seriously.

    an advice

    You might want to moan in his ear. When you feel like you’re about to come, move closer to her (will work in most positions) and start moaning in her ear.

    That way she will at least get the sound of your climax. That will also relax you and you will be able to let your natural expression come out without feeling forced.

  27. I think its more like you have to learn to be present in the orgasm moment instead of on nuttopilot.

  28. My gf and I sometimes joke around when we cum. Like..right at the moment one of us cums, we try to get the other one to laugh by saying real weird things or making strange sounds “oooweeeoooooweeeeoooweeeoooohhhhhh”

    This probably will not help your situation..

  29. She doesn’t like your vinegar face or the lack thereof…I think she can bump it to 9.5

  30. So I think the most important thing here is not to allow this to push you inside your head and make you self conscious. Being self conscious about something so vulnerable as an orgasm sucks and can bring about some damage to your confidence and even ability to cum althogether. Always remember that what you look like during an orgasm is fine and normal, and that it’s just your gf’s preference to see more emotion, there’s nothing wrong with the you cum.

    Then, I would tell her that you appreciate her feedback, but that she should be more sensitive when telling you what she likes instead of straight up imitating you. If you didn’t mind her approach, then fine, but I know I would be offended as hell in your shoes.

    Finally, I (F) absolutely adore my bf’s explosive orgasms. They are literally the hottest thing he does in sex imo, and he does a lot of hot shit. Now, the reason why they’re hot is because they give me validation that I’m doing a good job and that he is enjoying himself. I’m always so proud and I get this rush of happiness when I see it. Nothing better to confirm to me that he is having fun than an imvoluntary reaction – you can’t fake that so well every time.

    Making a fake face will not do imo, and you can’t fake a believable orgasmic body spasm imo. At least in my opinion, seeing an artificial reaction especially knowing that you just rehearsed that a few hours ago wpuld just make me sad. Maybe your gf is different.

    However, I think other types of validation can be useful. You can always tell her simple stuff like “oh I’m so close” or “yes” or “that feels amazing” or something along those lines. After you’re finished you can kiss her passionately and tell her how great it felt. You should imo even talk to her about this if you decide not to put on a fake O expression and tell her that it’s not natural to you, but you will try to be more vocal about your pleasure.

    Finally, from personal experience I can sort of relate to this. When I masturbate, I’m always silent and make little movement. I started masturbating that way when I was still scared of my parents finding out lol. This sort of remains a reflex for a lot of people – you learn to cum one way and don’t even question it until you start having sex with other people. At first, I felt the pressure to put up a little show with my orgasms. I was insecure and I always moaned more than I normally would. Now I found a middle ground – I try to relax completely, take deep breaths and see what my body does.

  31. You could always try to moan or voice your orgasms. That helped me with the same problem and now my gf thinks its hot to let me put faces and sounds(and tease me with em) and we do both enjoy a little more overall

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