My bf of 4 months hasn’t shown any red flags and has been amazing to me. Yesterday in conversation I asked if he had a preference on blonde or brunettes and he paused and said he prefers blondes. His ex of 3 years was blonde and I remember him being very interested in seeing photos of when I tried going blonde a few years back.
I’m brunette and have dark features and love my long dark brown hair, but I can’t help but feel like his ideal is a pretty blonde girl instead. He reassured me that that wasn’t the case – but I can’t help but feel somewhat insecure. I don’t want to dye my hair, if anything it makes me want to leave because I don’t want to waste my time with guys that aren’t 100% into me anymore.
How do I stop overthinking this?

  1. Everyone has little preferences, that doesn’t mean they can’t be with someone who doesn’t fit every one. Your boyfriend is deep enough to like someone as the whole package, not just one thing like hair colour.

  2. A preference for a hair colour is not a prerequisite for a partner. Yes it sometimes makes you feel a little bad but he’s with you for a reason. The chance of finding someone who loves every little tiny detail about you is low… because humans are flawed and extremely diverse. That doesn’t mean we can still be together.
    My husband loves red heads and I’m super blonde naturally…he’s seen photos of when I dyed my hair red but never once have I felt less than or that I needed to leave or needed to change myself. In fact his preference for redheads and mine for muscular men has actually become an inside joke we tease each other rabout.

    If this relationship isn’t for you then leave but don’t necessarily leave on something as trivial as his hair colour preference.

  3. Everytime you see an attractive blonde when out with him, your stomach is going to drop. I’ve been here before. In future don’t ask questions that you reeeeallly don’t need to know the answer to.

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