Does anyone else experience this? I find when it comes to social situations, people either don’t talk and are quiet around me or other times people will tell me their life stories/deepest darkest secrets. I find that there is no in-between. Why is this? Why is it so easy for some people to open up to me, and others have no interest in even talking to me?

  1. I can talk to anyone so that’s not a thing for me but the life story thing, start matching their energy and verboseness and they’ll lose interest. It’s a double-edged sword with those folks, they mostly only care about themselves but is if you value them, you’ll listen and…they’re still self-absorbed pricks. They are barnacles of good conversation.

    Spend time with people who spend time with you. As far as how that’s a different question, isn’t it?

  2. I have had this before. It’s like they are sympathy or attention bombing, and as a somewhat shy person, they see me as a person that would be too polite to interrupt or assert boundries.

  3. I wish people would tell me their life stories sometimes.

    At least the interesting parts.

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