What have you sacrificed for your love life?

  1. My love life.

    Had a great relationship that we had to end for us to move on and help each other.

  2. time, money, friends, side projects – and then I lost the love life as well

  3. Sacrificed implies I have had to choose between one or the other.

    I have spent time and money.
    I have lost my low self-esteem.

  4. The chance to live and work in Germany for three years. I was offered the chance to take an assignment there at work and wanted to go for it, but realized it would have meant my wife giving up on her own career for those three years and I didn’t want to make her do that.

  5. When I was dating?

    A lot of time & energy. I really wish I used the time more wisely and I won’t be making that same mistake going forward

  6. peace of mind, and a 2 year art apprenticeship in France, and a major record deal.

    you live and you learn I guess, I would never make the same choices again.

  7. My online relationships. When you go from playing online with people 8 hours a day to an hour or two a week it’s inevitable.

  8. My whole self. I stopped seeing friends, I stopped doing my hobbys, stopped going gym, got rid of the motorbike, got rid of the cars. Bought a house(with her), had kids and I loved it…. Then we drifted apart and I realised I’m an empty husk of what I once was.

    My whole waking life revolves around my wonderful kids, and making sure the Mrs didn’t need to lift a finger at home, even though she’s a stay at home mother.

    It wears you down, you resent them for not doing anything around the house, cooking, cleaning, relationship work. Was all down to me after work.

    Now I’m single for various reasons and it kills me I let my dreams die all them years ago.

    Just don’t stop being who you are for someone because you think you need to, it’s not healthy for you.

    All that being said, kids are the best thing ever, I would do it all again for them little monsters!

    Sorry if it got slightly off topic though 😅

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