I would like to clarify my question. Recently, a clerk for a New York City bodega was charged with killing a man who attacked him behind the counter. His bail was lowered from a quarter of a million dollars down to $50,000. The girlfriend of the man that was killed stabbed the owner in the shoulder and wasn’t charged.

The 61-year-old is facing murder charges after police said he fatally stabbed a man inside a Washington Heights convenience store. There is growing outrage regarding his arrest, however, with many left wondering: Was it murder or self-defense?

Should the business owner have a right to protect himself??

  1. They’re fine so long as they’re permissive enough to allow a person to defend their life with deadly force when their life or safety is in danger. The right to self defense is important.

  2. The right to self-defense is God-given (or Mother Nature-given, if you prefer), it belongs to all living things and should not be subject to revocation by any man-made construct.

  3. This incident happened in NY. Should the owner have a right to defend himself?? Why is the owner getting charged for self defense?

    A hard-working Manhattan bodega clerk who was forced to grab a knife to fend off a violent ex-con, now finds himself sitting behind bars at the notorious Rikers Island jail charged with murder and unable to post $250,000 bail.


    Edit: This was a description of the incident. He is out from jail.

  4. He’s being charged with 2nd degree murder….

    Something is fishy. Either the prosecution is going to be laughed out of court or we’re missing something from the story.

  5. I one hundred percent agree with self defense and think duty to retreat is unjust, unlawful, and unconstitutional.

    Regardless of where I am I have the entire right to defend myself, and others themselves, against threats.

  6. The right of self defense is a natural right, what happened in NYC recently is a travesty.

  7. 100% support Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws. Use whatever level of force is necessary to stop the attacker.

  8. Well that’s an absurdly vague question. I guess it’s good that we can protect ourself when needed.

  9. If you don’t have the right to protect your life you don’t have the right to life

  10. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. We should empower victims not criminals.

  11. I should have any tool to defend myself without government regulation.

    I’m all for constitutional carry.

  12. Very broad question tbh. I support stand your ground and castle laws. Sometimes they don’t go far enough in my opinion.

  13. Anybody who wants to restrict, limit, or deny your ability to protect you and yours in any way *does not* have your best interests in mind and you should seriously question what their goals and motivations are if they consider the safety of you and your family problematic.

  14. If you’re under attack you can and should have every right to defend yourself.

  15. It’s horrifying that other western countries like Canada and France are iffy at best and dystopian at worst when recognizing the right to self defense. The U.S. lags behind other nations in some categories, but this is certainly not one of them.

    Everyone should have the right to defend themselves and their loved ones without having to worry about having their lives ruined by an arbitrary murder charge.

  16. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don’t try to rob someone if you aren’t willing to accept the consequences.

  17. The right to self defense is among the most basic and integral of all human rights. The law should reflect that.

  18. He should have never been arrested in the first place. I also don’t believe in duty to retreat.

  19. Total BS. If someone attacks you then you have every right to defend yourself.

  20. You shouldn’t need a law to tell you, you have the right to defend yourself.

  21. I believe in stand your ground and castle doctrine should be the same in all 50 states and across the world

    You go after my head you bouta get hot lead

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