I realize the notion of this sounds sorta funny, but I just sometimes wonder if it’s true. From what I remember (and I might be dating myself a bit here) back in my high school and college years, it just seemed like deep throat was all the rage among so many guys. It seemed to have become a very common theme in porn of that time period, and there was a lot of buzz surrounding it. You would often hear lots of enthusiasm from men, particularly in face fucking and how the gagging aspect itself was a big thing that was considered a turn-on among many. I can recall some of those types of discussions, I believe even on Reddit during that time, and most were overwhelmingly in favor of.

It feel like it’s not the same kind of reaction today, though. I notice the topic isn’t nearly as frequently brought forth, and when it is, there’s almost more negativity surrounding it, I would say. Particularly, a notice a lot men saying this isn’t something that they’re into at all, for a variety of reasons. In general, the concept of male-dom doesn’t seem nearly as popular among younger guys now, as it was back then…

I don’t know if it was just a “trend”, or if there are such things as sexual trends or fads that we as a society go through, but it kinda feels that way. I notice these things, because it is one of my biggest kinks so… yeah. I know it’s still very much a thing, and you can find people who are into it, but I dunno. Kinda wondering did anyone else notice a shift away from stuff like male-dom and face fucking, and why do you think that is?

  1. Not in my household, har har har.

    Nah but really, it’s not that it feels a whole hell of a lot better than regular oral, it’s just got that added mystique of “Not all girls can do this.” You’re right, it may not be as big a deal now as it was in the past.

  2. When you hear the terms face fucking and deep throat, they sound dominant and rough.

    I feel people are now being taught more about respect, boundaries and what is considered rough.

    Also there are more kinks now thsn along time ago. People are exploring more and I believe moving away from things like this.

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