Hey all, 34 year old here, and for the past few years I am becoming more and more concerned with my health and mortality. I guess being young and feeling invincible helped me push past any potential worries, but now anytime I get a symptom that wasn’t there, read a story about someone near me in age dying, or a have recent medical exam/test that shows something is there but probably benign, I spiral into a pit of dread and panic convincing myself that I am going to die soon. It’s becoming such that I barely function at times and cant plan for the future. Why make plans for a vacation if I am going to die before it happens, why plan for retirement if I won’t make it to retirement age

Part of it might be experience. My mom died of colon cancer when I was 24 only a year after being diagnosed, and not showing any noticeable signs before that. A friend died when she was 30 of Pancreatic Cancer.

Part of it might be an absence of spirituality. When I was young I thought there might be a point to everything, or there might something to it all. Now though I don’t think there is anything except oblivion, and that terrifies me.

Hope all you gents have a good Friday.

1 comment
  1. You seek a therapist, and seriously consider if you’re developing depression or chronic anxiety. They’re both surprisingly common for people in their 30s and 40s, and for many people it goes away after a while.

    Fortunately, they’re also incredibly easy to treat with some modern medicine and good therapy. Talk to your doctor about it.

    My wife and I went through it; nearly destroyed our marriage. Seeing a therapist and getting some meds completely changed our lives and made everything better. Our relationship is better, how we parent is better, how we communicate is better, our jobs have become better – literally everything in our lives have improved because we sought help from professionals.

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