Men don’t approach me in person. I’m average on the attractiveness scale and in shape. I get a lot of attention on tinder but it’s unfulfilling and I have no energy to respond to mundane texts. It seems like men like to hide behind dating apps.

  1. As a whole, generally speaking, always exceptions, women have successfully trained men to NOT approach except on dating apps. Read any thread on Reddit on this subject and, overwhelmingly, women of Reddit confirm this.

  2. >It seems like men like to hide behind dating apps.

    Men like to avoid the pain of getting rejected. Apps soften the blow. Low investment softens the blow. Approaching in person increases the blow.

    Why don’t you approach men in person? Right. Same problem.

  3. You can find tons of threads of men asking is it ok to approach women at the gym,bar,library etc and for most the advice is “Dont”, “Its creepy”, “They dont go there to be approached” etc so yeah…
    But hey, men seems to love being approached so go for it and try your luck 😉

  4. Then you need to deal with the men selecting you, instead of the men you would select. Keep on waiting.

  5. My ex boyfriend who approached me in person revealed t the reason why guys don’t approach us anymore is because they are afraid of rejection and he was apparently brave enough to take the risk .You might be lucky enough to be approached by a confident man one day but don’t give up on online dating because it widens your options.

  6. There is nothing wrong with asking this question when you go out and see all the woman around you being approached.

    Ignore the omg you can approach men too you know comments. We know that

    That said, we are not going to know. It might be a vibe you are giving, closed body language, your clothing (I definitely get approached more in a miniskirt evens if it’s denim with sneakers) or the type of area you live in

  7. We don’t necessarily like to. It’s just the path of least resistance in a modern age. I’ve creeped out multiple women these days trying to approach them irl simply because, at least as they stated, everybody meets online for dating these days. I still approach women irl just because I absolutely despise the OLD dynamic, but I honestly suspect you wouldn’t even consider my attempts an approach so much as just engaging in some light conversation which very slowly leads into maybe hanging out later.

  8. Women have been pretty vocal, almost unanimously, about how much they loathe men approaching them. Maybe they’re starting to take the hint and are being respectful by leaving you be.

  9. The statement that Men are so starved for any sort of affection or attention from random women that just a simple compliment can gain a Mans attention is real.

    You see a guy you like, tell him you like his shirt or some other very basic compliment and I bet you no longer have this problem.

    Just remember. Initiating the conversation is half the battle.

  10. Because it’s been drilled-into us that women find it creepy at worst, off-putting and awkward at best. And in my experience, it always ends with a rejection…so why bother anymore.

  11. Comedian and Daily Show contributor Michelle Wolf has a whole bit on this in her latest special. The jist is women are fine with men approaching them whenever… if they are attracted to them. If they aren’t then the men are obviously creeps.

  12. You will get better results if you start approaching men than complaining why don’t men approach you in person.

  13. I tried the whole approaching and realised it’s waste of time and not worth it anymore. I always knew deep down that in the last 10 years the only way to meet someone is via school/work, friends of friends, hobbies/interests/activities and online there is no other way.

  14. Where do you live? I truly believe geography plays a big role in these experiences

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