So I (21m) met this girl (21f) three years ago now freshman year of college. We ended up being at the same party and talked for hours until eventually she got dragged away by her friends. We had been snapping but I found out she was still talking to someone from her hs and wasn’t really available. Fast forward about a year and she hits me up again asking to hangout because she thought we had a really great connection, I said I couldn’t because I was seeing someone. Finally about 2 months ago she hits me up again and the timing was finally right so we start going on dates.

The dates were all amazing. I had never before connected with a girl on this much, we talked about the small things like hobbies, music, interests, etc and they all seemed to match up. We talked about bigger things like our goals and what we wanted out of our futures and again we had similar lives in mind. On the fifth date she introduced me to her mother and step father along with sister and best friend which to her was a huge deal. Her mother told her I was everything she had ever wanted for her and the rest of her friends/family really liked me.

On our dates she would constantly ask what my intentions were, say things like this is too good to be true, how are you single, etc. In both of her last two relationships she had been cheated on. Along with anxiety about that, he mom also had a horrible brain injury a few weeks before our first date so she’s struggling with that as well.

After our sixth date, things seemed to be great. The next day however was strange, she would barely answer my questions. I asked “are we ok?” to which she responded “yes I’m just anxious idk.” That text was the last I’ve heard from her and it’s been over a week now. I tried texting once asking how her and her mom was three days after and then I tried calling to which she let ring out. I asked her friend what to do and she told me she didn’t know what this girl wanted nor did she think the girl did either. She advised me to give her space and let her come to me.

It being over a week now idk what to do. I genuinely want to fight for this girl although she hasn’t treated me the best with the ghosting. Should I give up hope at this point?

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