Who here was a great athlete but didn’t make it Pro and why?

  1. Made it to nationals multiple times but never really had any passion in it, was just all pressure from parents so dropped it once I left home.

  2. Knee injury at 16 years old stopped me from playing professional soccer 😭

  3. Napoleon dynamites uncle. I heard it was a bad pass or something like that.

  4. In 1966, I scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against my old nemesis, Bubba “Spare Tire” Dixon. Got married and had children and never had the time.

  5. Turns out I’m really fucking good at baseball. Like absurdly good at hitting baseballs.

    I was playing softball with some fellas, and one guy claimed to have been in the LA Angels organization, made it to AA. After we were done playing some people wanted to see if this guy still had stuff. Other people corroborated his story, so I believe it. Fastball maxed out in AA at 96 he said, probably mid 80s now.

    Nobody could hit his stuff. We decided we’d do 3 pitches. We’d bust out the wooden bats and the hardball, everyone gets 3 tries. 3 guys went up, 9 whiffs. My turn, and I turned into a monster. Just lights out at hitting those fucking things. His third pitch he said he was gonna give me his best pitch. Curveball, soon as it left his hand I knew exactly where to barrel up.

    So yeah, apparently I missed my calling.

  6. I was a great baseball player and I might have had some scholarship offers, but I ruined my knee playing football so I couldn’t compete like I had before and my baseball career came to an unsatisfactory end.

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