So we are a team of two working on a thing. I am technically more sound and solve 90% of the things. The other person discusses his work with me to get insights and mostly I give the solution.

While explaining it to the manager the other person portrays as if she did it and I was nowhere involved. Which angers me a lot.

Even everyone else is now thinking she has done most of the things just because of her taking entire credit. I have confronted her in very kind words but it didn’t resolved the issue.

I also tried explaining indirectly that it was me who did it instead of her and she is the reason behind most of the issues we face but now I sound more attention seeking and revenge taking person who will let his colleague down and blame openly.

Can someone please help me what should I do. Since it’s a two person project, what we do is entirely reflected in our raise. That’s why i am more concerned otherwise I would’ve let it go.

  1. You should contact your HR representivie and discuss your concerns and help find a resolution.

    Keep your head up and don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself just make sure you go through the proper channels to avoid anything, coming back on you to look bad.

    You don’t seem like a petty person, you sound like your overworked and not feeling like your work is being appreciated or recognized.

    It sounds like your coworker will happily, ride the tails of your success.. don’t let this continue any further because it will only, get worse.

    Good luck and update if you can!

  2. I’d say have a direct conversation with her, but it takes a certain kind of person to take credit like this and she knows what she’s doing.

    She’ll be a manager in a few months, then leverage that for a Director position somewhere else 6 months later. Within a few years, she’ll be on her way to an Executive career for a variety of corporations, jumping companies whenever the last one isn’t useful to her any longer.

  3. Give her false or wrong informations, be certain to do it only one on one and by speaking, so no proof or witness. After 2, 3 or 4 times she will stop to ask you. And if she accuse you of the mistake just you can just denie it or even better tell in front of every one that you are sick and tired to do is job for the last few months and that she get all the credit, if she was doing her job this would not happened plus she don’t even look for corrections or mistakes.

    Or just don’t speak to her and protect your work, I mean if you’re already doing 90% of the job, go for the 100% and don’t include her in the result, or better give the job without her knowing so you get the credit and she will lose it and get ridiculous when she will bring her work way after you. If you can ask give the final work without her knowing and start the following work even better.

    Or change team

    Or go to HR explain but not like you complain, explain that she is a dea weight for the company, that she is slowing the work of every body, not just you or your team (if your work is necessary for another team to work) because she waiting for you to do the job, tell that you’ve already tell your manager but nothing change, maybe because your manager like her more than he should be (this will freak out HR and they do something) ask that you remain anonymous to avoid your manager or co-worker vengeance.

    Also, you can look for another company to work for, it could be a good opportunity to raise your salary too.

    Wathever you choose to do, give us some news

  4. Just don’t provide the solution. Ask them what they think instead.

  5. Maybe a couple of things. Whenever something important comes up you tell her you are really busy or you need time to consider options so for her to email you the question. Then CC your boss in the reply you send back, this shows that you are solving the problems but not necessarily that you are getting things fixed. Secondly this is much more work and will sabotage your colleague, you could give her answers that send her on a goose chase while you implement the corrections yourself and therefore get the issue fixed and basically cut her out.

    Edit: Consider that your boss doesn’t care about who came up with the solution and only cares about the solution being implemented, which she seems more than capable of doing. She is simply using you as a resource to get a job done and all your boss cares about is that the job is done correctly.

  6. The uncomfortable truth is, this job is a lost cause. Look for a new job.

    Start learning now how to be direct. Indirect communication is not right for most business places. It accomplishes nothing.

    Learn how to confront people (not angrily, but directly) as soon as there is a problem. Kind words are great some of the time but this coworker was actively lying. There was no indication that kind words would get you anywhere, and they didn’t.

    Good luck on your job search.

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