Gentlemen, if you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?

  1. Use my poop and cum to paint pictures on the walls. It would give me a way to stay entertained as well as express my artistic nature.

    Who knows, maybe they’ll sell for millions once I’m out

  2. Pretty much was during lockdown, living alone. I foraged, gardened, meditated, worked out, published a book of poetry, started an art series of creative selfies. Still wasn’t enough to keep my mental illness from relapsing. I need to people.

  3. Depends on how much access I get to tools and materials, but I’m good at creating worlds in my mind, thanks to a problematic childhood.

  4. I’ll make use of what I have and possibly just give myself a workout routine.

  5. I like how some people think covid lockdown is like being in solitary. It’s cute.

    Solitary is a 10×10 cell with no natural light where you spend 23 to 24 hours a day with no, or very little, avenues of mental escape. No books, no paper and pencil… just you and your thoughts. Maybe it’s lit all the time, maybe they turn off the lights occasionally. You can sleep on a shit metal shelf or stare at a wall.

  6. Stay awake until I hallucinate friends to talk to. Then if they ever start annoying me I’ll just get some sleep.

  7. Write a book in my head. Get in touch with the feeling of the movement of each of my muscles. Tune in each of my senses. Work out. I’d be Dr. Strange by the time they opened the door……or maybe I’d have opened it by then. (cue mysterious music)

  8. Unironically I would invent an imaginary friend to talk to. I used to live alone basically in the forest for over a year and I found myself talking to “myself” but as a different person, kind of like how Tom Hanks talked to that volleyball in Cast Away. You really NEED to do this in order to stay sane. That’s why I always scoff at people who say they want to be completely alone or that they hate people. I’ve been without people, I now appreciate them more than ever.

  9. Yes, I like being alone, throw in some books and might even be a vacation.

  10. Build a massive imaginary world. Alternatively plot taking over the world in every detail. 😜

  11. I was in there 3 days. You’re not gonna make it that long. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  12. I’ve been in solitary for over 8 years 6 months is like having a shit for me.

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