I met my girlfriend when she was 18, I was 21. She was my first kiss and my first everything. She on the other hand had had a lot of experience. After 5 months she ghosted me and dated several other guys and even worked as a prostitute for some time. I’ve remained single till this day, I’m 28 she is 25 and she is a single mother. She has a 18 months old baby girl and claims she loves me and she left me before because she thought she was not a good woman for me. But now she doesn’t want to spend more time without me. She is asking me to marry her and wants to live with me.

I love her but it’s hard for me to forget her past experiences. I get jealous every day about what she did with her exes.

I want to be her husband but her past makes me so upset. I’m only happy with her when I forget her past for a while but when I remember it it makes me feel bad again. What should I do?

I’m jealous of my girlfriend’s past.

  1. You should break up. Then you get yourself into therapy, until you’re not obsessing like this anymore.

  2. Dude she needs you as support. You’re the last resort for her. You need to break up like yesterday.

  3. Sounds like she got rock bottom and now wants you to provide housing and familial stability.

    Hard pass unless her actions are backing up her words and she is consistently and regularly showing you that she loves you and wants to be with you long term.

  4. Man, I’d be very very suspicious that she’s worked her way into being trapped in poverty and sees you as a way out for a while.

  5. Do NOT fall into this womens trap. She knew what she was doing when she did it. You deserve better

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