How tall are you?

  1. Yes, unless I’m driving a cab over.

    If you can’t, you should raise your seat.

  2. Depends on the car. The more modern the car the more they force you into a better driving position too.

  3. I drive an F150, so my hood is pretty flat and easy to see. The only time I can’t see the hood is when I’m in a minivan or some compact car.

  4. 6’2″ driving a 340i

    No, I don’t see the hood, nor do I need to raise the seat…I am pretty sure the BMW engineers designed it so that all I see is the road ahead of me. I’ve not seen the hood on the past few I’ve driven (or the Saabs I used to drive before them)

    It’s not like a pickup truck or a big ol boat of a Cadillac where you do see the hood when driving.

  5. No, I’m 6’1 but I sit so low in my seat that you can only see my forehead.

  6. Of course I can. If you can’t then you’re driving unsafely and you need to:

    1. Adjust your seat

    2. Get a cushion

    3. Get a smaller car

  7. These questions are getting more and more random. Starting to think it’s either a bot or someone farming for karma.

  8. Yes, because my preferred driving position is up tall in a car. Even though I’m tall myself, I feel like I have more control when I can see more of my car.

  9. I can’t, and I drive a pickup truck. 6 foot. 5’11” and 3/4 on my way home from work. 🤣

  10. Some hoods are designed to “Break away fast”, which means intentionally dropping below eye level, from the windshield base so you get a clearer, unobstructed view of the road. I’m 6’1″, and there are cars that I cannot see the hood from, and then there are cars with exaggerated hoods and contours running down them that make them seem higher still. It’s an adjustment.

    The better question is do you know how to shift a manual transmission? That is very sexy to most guys…

  11. If I COULDN’T see my hood… I don’t know. Limited visibility… driving. Sounds scary.

    5’11” in freedom units.

    180cm in not freedom units.

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