Men of reddit, what is for you the most important rule of the BroCode?

  1. A bro will never date or attempt to bang another bro’s former girl without permission. Any “bro” that does is no bro at all.

  2. There are so many rules and they are all equally important. Although the one that i had used on me the other day: if a bro asks you to be his wingman, it is your responsibility to do so, you are not allowed to say ‘no’

  3. Bro code? Nah, but socail graces, all day long.

    Don’t fuck in socail circles, or you will fuck yourself.

  4. A bro in need of lady help is your first priority, but don’t be a wingman. You want said bro to be able to do it himself too

  5. Be willing to give your bro a “come to Jesus” meeting if you see him making questionable choices. You aren’t his father, but caring about his future and wellbeing is what separates a bro from an acquaintance.

  6. If your bro needs help, you help when you can, as much as you can. Whether it’s moving house, building a shed, looking after his pets, helping him deal with his emotions during a break-up and making sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Making sure he respects his partner and doesn’t do anything stupid.

    If a bro decides to cheat on his partner, regardless of reasons, then bro code no longer applies, he simply becomes a friend/acquaintance.

  7. Don’t make sexual references about my ex of 7 years who is also the mother of my child. Really started contemplating my social circle this year

  8. Want to stay friends? Don’t cheat on your wife or girlfriend AROUND ME. Don’t even tell me about it. If I’m friends with your girlfriend and she’s cool as fuck and a good person and she asks me if you’re cheating, I’ll give it away with the look of guilt on my face. It’s happened a few times. Keep that shit far away from me!

  9. If your bro is doing something stupid join him…
    Single guy doing something is stupid…
    Multiple guys doing something stupid is LEGENDARY…!!!

  10. If your bro dies… Delete his browsing history and factory his phone

  11. Bros before hoes. It’s the founding rule of the BroCode and serves as a foundation for several others.

  12. Exes/GFs/Wives/Old Ladies/etc are off limits.

    No matter what, He WAS chillin with you last night.

  13. – If you both like the same girl, let your bro have her first and if he does manage to get her, be happy for him.
    – always celebrate your bro’s wins, no matter how small they are, those are the golden moments
    – Let them know you love them and appreciate them , even if you cannot say it directly to them, show them through some small act. Bro’s feel lonely too sometimes and need that reassurance. It’s not gay, it’s brotherly love.

  14. There is no such fucking thing as the “bro code”. Treat all people with fairness and respect, bros and hoes alike.

  15. If you bring your girl to a boy’s night out, we’re going to gangbang her at the end of the night.

  16. Before people got married it was bros before hoes. Don’t compete. Don’t fight. Don’t break all contact with friends because you have a gf or buddy. Basically Don’t be an asshole over sex.

  17. #147. Seek approval of thy brethren prior to initiating intimate relations with their sibling. Amen

  18. Ask permission. If you know a guy digs a girl and was turned down or has been with her before, either dating or one night stand, ask your bro. There’s a saying that “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission”, but that does not apply here. This is all on a case by case basis. I hope it’s obvious you wouldn’t do this right after a break up or whatever.

  19. Girlfriends are off-limits even after breakup. Broke it twice, lost in both cases a friend. In both cases it was the girl’s initiative, still, I knew I’m doing something you don’t do.

  20. There is no “bro code!” Fools will do you dirty in a minute if they think you’re not gonna find out. All the women on the planet, no need to fuck one of your friends girls. Just remember, that doesn’t always work both ways, so don’t create situations where your “bros” get to friendly with your girl. Remember, fools will do you dirty if they think you’re not gonna find out

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