As we all know that we need to socialize. It is very very important it helps to improve our cognitive skills and polish our relationships with our closed ones. But the how much one need to socialize?? I think we must known that because more socialization distract us from our career or our works.

  1. In my opinion, each person has their own threshold of how much socializing they need. And depending on that need, we need to find a way to incorporate that part to fit correctly into our lives. Just like you mentioned, some needs might be very high and can outgrow other parts like career, goals, etc. They would need to learn how to apply this area without affecting other areas. It’s a learning curve we all have to go through to understand ourselves better and our needs.

  2. That’s why introversion and extroversion exists, some people need more socialization than others. Nonetheless I do think everyone needs SOME degree of it

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