what kind of tattoo would you want but are hesitant to get?

  1. One going down the back spine, and others i would actually get but would like to try. I will never really do any, but i will buy fake tattoos on shein just to live the fantasy lol

  2. A sternum piece. I am hyper sensitive to pain and those are just sooooo painful. I’d have to be drugged XD

  3. I’m in my mid 50’s and have a smallish/med lotus tattoo on my chest (and others elsewhere) I’d like the lotus made bigger to cover my chest (not my breasts) but I just think it will cost too much & the couple tattoo artists I’ve asked said they wouldn’t cover another artists work

  4. I’d like a butterfly, a yellow and blue butterfly on my shoulder or ankle. But….seems pretty basic.

  5. Sleeves. But just because I feel like I’d change my mind on the themes of my sleeves.

  6. Something big down my thigh, like a snake. But I’m afraid of the pain and how people might judge me based on it

  7. I want a Medusa spine tattoo, but majority of the people who’ll see the tattoo will know the meaning behind it

  8. Was actually thinking about this today. I want to get a lizard tattoo on my ribs. This lizard I want is based on this little ceramic lizard my dad got me when I was a child. I want to cover up a tattoo I currently have (my sorority name) with the lizard.

  9. World of Warcraft tattoo on my shoulder, but tattoos are kind of frowned upon here so I don’t.

  10. I want an underbust and rib tattoo but I’m not confident in my body enough to get either of them

  11. A dark souls bonfire tattoo, I’m only hesitant because I don’t like sitting still for long periods of time.

  12. Prince’s symbol, I’m really lucky to have great skin and don’t want to permanently put anything on it. Yeah, I know that’s goofy.

  13. I want a tiny owl sitting in a patch of violets. Haven’t decided where though and my kid with all the tattoos will insist on coming to hold Mama’s hand because they are a good kid.

  14. There are so many I wanna get but Money & my Confidence rn aren’t brilliant

  15. I wanted an N E S controller tatoo on my arm or shoulder blade for years. And then I saw the exact tatoo on somebody done very very badly. It put me right off

  16. An expensive one. I know a guy that can make it look like your skin was put in the paper tray of photocopier with a photo. I want my kids birth pictures but at a few hundred/hour and it being work that HAS to take time…

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