As in the title. It certainly looks like pet hair to me – it’s on things that I pick up off the carpet, and there is a hair-removal sticky roller thing here left by either previous tenant of letting agency, which suggests someone has tried to remove pet hair.

The flat also smells like it’s had pets in, but when I viewed the property they said the tenant had no pets.

Am I within my rights to demand the letting agency professionally cleans the carpet to get rid of all pet hair?

  1. I bet they charged the previous residents for the clean on their deposit and then Skimped out on doing it.

    When I moved out my landlord made some claims dissapear when asked for receipts for the “scratched kitchen cabinet” or ” water marked kitchen lino”

  2. Make sure you take pictures and keep emails. When you move out you only have to leave the property as clean as you found it. If it wasnt professionally cleaned before you moved in, dont let them charge you for cleaning when you move out.

  3. I would avoid causing problems with your letting agency / landlord so early on.

    Presumably you viewed the place before you moved in, in which case you shouldn’t have moved in if you weren’t happy with it.

  4. If you use a window squeegee & drag it across the carpet, you’ll see if it’s pet hair- even if a place has been hoovered. Take pictures of it if they try to argue against it!

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