Have you ever cheated on your partner? Why so? Had you and your partner reconcile after that? What did you learn or how that affected your relationship? How you even recover trust after that? And what advice would you give to people in that situation (besides don’t do it).
Just asking out of curiosity, after i (22M) put myself in a situation that was not okey at all (didn’t go to far, but still). And i talked to my partner (20F) and of course she is pissed off, but she forgives me (or that’s wat she said at least, don’t blame her if not of course).

TL;DR: Have you or your partner cheated (or something similar) on you. And how you recover from that, if that was the case.

1 comment
  1. Never been cheated on in a relationship but boundaries have been crossed.

    My ex decided to talk to sex workers behind my back and discussed meeting up with them (but never did, allegedly, he said he just wanted an adrenaline rush, or that was BS?). That was enough for me to call it quits. I would never allow myself to be disrespected like that again. Boundaries were set, they were crossed, and that’s that.

    If you don’t care enough about your partner to stop yourself from doing things that would obviously hurt or traumatize them, you should just be single. Set boundaries, and if they are crossed, there’s no recovering. I don’t have kids with anyone though, and I’m not married, so I can’t speak for people in those situations.

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