Women who can’t even do house chores at all.

  1. People who can’t do the basics required to care for themselves are useless.

  2. I don’t find them attractive. However, this is my opinion of anyone who refuses to learn how to cook or do chores properly. It’s called being an adult, they should try it sometime

  3. I understand not being able to cook, since that’s a skill one needs to learn and develop. And I enjoy cooking, so that’s not a big deal to me.

    But not being able to do house chores – is she quadriplegic or what? Sweeping a floor or doing laundry is stuff a child can figure out.

  4. Not everyone is a chef and that’s ok. Basic cooking skills are part of being an adult though. It’s something you should be able to do regardless of gender, like changing a tire. I enjoy cooking, so not being good at it wouldn’t be a deal breaker in a relationship.

  5. Everyone should know how to cook at least some basic meals, regardless of gender.

    Not knowing how to prepare some meals for yourself as an adult tells me that you are literally too lazy to meet one of your most basic needs. Certainly not flattering.

  6. Are they really a woman if they can’t cook?

    Cooking is just a basic thing ALL women should be able to do

  7. I wonder how the hell she survives and why she won’t learn how to function as an adult. She can’t cook so she probably eats out everyday, which is a detriment to her health and burns a whole into her bank account. She can’t do household chores so her home is probably a mess. My opinion wouldn’t be positive unless she has a very, very good reason for it. Otherwise, I’m gonna think she’s lazy, can’t manage or complete tasks, unhygienic, financially illiterate, and overall unhealthy.

  8. Cooking is a skill and just like with most skills, you can get better at it with knowledge and practice

  9. A woman who can’t cook for me is incompatable as I can’t cook but if she can’t do chores either then it’s a turn off. Ideally I want a woman who can cook while I do the chores to make up for my lack of cooking ability.

  10. My baseline expectation is that any adult is capable of adulting. Man or woman or whatever in-between should be fully capable of maintaining a home. If not, I’ll view and treat them as children. Simple.

  11. Like they are missing adulting skills, just like any man that can’t cook basic meals.

  12. im skeptical of anyone who can’t cook a little because that’s just laziness.

  13. It’s not a gender thing. ***People*** need to be able to cook and clean for themselves. Period. It’s about learning basic life skills. I don’t care if they are a chef and they are limited to boxed and jarred food.

  14. She can, she just doesn’t want to. And I think she’s lazy and not functioning like a proper adult

  15. I don’t expect her to be able to cook from scratch, but if they can’t follow the instructions on the back of a box, that is a problem.

    I don’t mind if you ask a couple common questions like washing vegetables/rice or what quantifies as a cup, or any of the common vocabulary, but the instructions on the box are basic enough.

  16. So what if they can’t cook we can learn together hell i hate cleaning alone as its depressing as fuck but if i have someone to talk to than i’ll clean up together make it a bonding experience or a time to discuss the things unsaid.

    To actually answer it though i’m ok if she can’t cook even if she don’t want to learn i’d just have to remove food play from the sex life.

  17. Usually I cook… And I thought it was cute when one of my previous girlfriends felt guilty. That girl could burn a fruit salad but I didnt care.

  18. I think it’s embarrassing for an adult to lack basic life skills, if I’m being honest.

  19. It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they don’t want to. Which is fine, but be honest about it.

  20. If you can’t do simple household chores and don’t wish to learn how to, im not fucking with yoj. You are a fucking adult that needs to know basic adult skills. That is a red flag imo. Means you are probably too lazy to budget, pay your taxes, hold a steady job, keep track of appointments etc. That is a headache

  21. Now days we have youtube so theirs realy no reason a housewife cant cook meals especially if shes home most of the day. In general everyone should at least know how to use the stove/oven when they have their own home.

  22. I’m the chef in my house and I don’t think I’ve ever seen my wife cook. It works out great. I enjoy making good meals that her and I enjoy just like she handles other things like earning an income and handling the finances. It’s not that we cant each do those things but we prefer to divide them up.

  23. Same as with any adult that can’t, it’s kinda pathetic and they have zero excuse for not learning.

  24. The same as men who can’t cook to save their lives. When you’re an adult you should be able to do some basic chores and have some basic cooking skills

  25. Even a loser like me learned basic skills like that, even though quite late in life, so everybody can.

    The fact a woman can’t do these only says about her life, as in if she’s ever had to, and I wouldn’t judge based on that. I never needed to do so while growing up, just like I never learned how to deal with cars since I don’t drive. The thing is that eventually this’ll be necessary, and it should be learned. If I’m dating a woman like that, I expect some willingness to change, just like I did.

  26. You mean my wife?

    For a myriad of reasons, she doesn’t cook at all. She might microwave something but that’s it.

    Otherwise I do all the cooking or we eat out.

    I don’t really mind. She’s made dinner once or twice and it’s just not anything she learned. She also doesn’t seem interested in learning (I’ve offered to teach many times) so, it’s just part of our life.

    I’d say if she did no chores at all we’d have beef. As it is, she does laundry and cleans the catbox. I do the cooking and dishes, yardwork, etc.

    It’s not going to be 50/50. But it won’t be 100/0… not on your life.

  27. I fail to see what being a woman has to do with anything.

    Other than that – everyone should have some basic housekeeping skills, including cooking a simple meal.

  28. Define cooking. Cooking as in easily make complex menus or just the most basic thing like scrambled eggs?

  29. Hey nobody’s perfect lol, I wouldn’t be in a relationship with a woman who can’t cook or do house chores at all but like I said everybody’s got their thing haha

  30. I have the exact same opinion about anybody, male or female, who can’t cook at least a few basic meals from themselves.

    They aren’t adults.

    Frankly, I expect any 14-15 year old to be able to cook a basic meal, be able to do laundry and keep the house reasonably clean (not a health hazard).

  31. Cooking is a skill that can be learned, it’s not rocket science. Following a recipe is not hard.

    Vacuuming the floor doesn’t require skill.
    Doing laundry with a machine can be easily learned.
    Washing dishes can be done by anyone.

    If she prefers not to cook nor do house chores, it’s ok as long as she pulls her weight and do other things. Just a matter of dividing the household responsibilities. If she doesn’t cook, doesn’t take care of the house, and simply sits around all day having her own fun, then it’s not ok.

  32. totally gender-agnostic, if you can’t cook yourself a basic meal when you live in a 1st world country with internet access, and are able bodied enough to use the kitchen that is pretty sad imo. I don’t expect MasterChef but if I knew someone in their 30s that couldn’t boil pasta and heat up some sauce then I’d seriously question their lifestyle.

  33. A child who leaves their parents home without being able to cook, clean and take care of a household has been failed by those parents. Especially young men who then expect and rely on someone else to do those things for them. A man cant be strong and independent if he cant take care of himself in the basics of life. We do our sons a disservice by not making them self sufficient.

  34. Sounds like a child. Definitely not an adult, or even a teenager.

    And since your goal here seems to be making it about “wHy WoMeN aNd NoT mEn”, don’t ask us men. You women are the ones that date the manchildren. Almost happily to do so, might I add.

  35. I think it’s pretty sad for any adult not to be able to care for themselves and their immediate living space on a basic level. Not being able to cook at least basic stuff, not knowing how to clean, or do laundry, or do basic home and vehicle repairs, that sort of thing. I can understand not everyone has had the opportunity to learn all of those things, but unwillingness to try and learn isn’t something I’d put up with in a partner.

  36. From what I’ve gathered, OP is asking for honest opinions to the question but is trying to turn this into a “gender role” thing. If you read this and plan on leaving a comment, don’t bother. OP is looking for a meaningless debate and not critical feedback.

  37. I believe anyone can cook, and do some basic chores around the house like vacuuming. For example my dad always said he can’t cook. When his mom became ill he could make some basic meals with some instructions from his mom. When she healed he never cooked again. He just doesn’t want to do it.

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