what would you think about single parent hood?

  1. Not exactly sure what you’re asking, but I think it would be very hard and not something I would want to do

  2. That it’s better to raise a child alone than coparent with someone who mistreats your child

  3. Well its not ideal but alot easier raising just the kids without a big kid to that suppose to be adult.

    It’s more difficult ofc but better then staying in a toxic relationship.
    Then ofc its also depends how much your ex are using the kids as pawns in the game to hurt you after the separation.
    If we now talking about separation.

    If it a adult that just make its mind of getting a kid by themself its a choice that will work. Kids don’t need a mom and dad, kids need adults around them to look up to, don’t really mind bloodrealtied or not.

  4. Well what I am asking here is suppose you want to rear up your own child as well as an orphan too but your partner tottaly disagree with it & get aggressive . Then what will u choose? being a single parent or stay in that toxicity knowing that it will affect your child’s future.

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