So a few weeks ago I (30M) met a woman, we’ll call her “K” (32F) at friends party. Super outgoing, pretty, and funny. We swapped numbers and I left to go on a work trip for a week. We texted off and on and decided to get dinner when I got back.

On the work trip, I was introduced to someone, we’ll call “A” (26F) and we instantly connected and got drinks a few times while I was there. However, she lives in a different country and only comes to the states a few times a year for work. Obviously I cannot fly to Europe at will and this is a problem. She’s supposed to be in a close-ish (6 hours from me) city next month for a few days and invited me to come stay with her.

We have texted and facetimed constantly since meeting and I planned on going but I’m hesitant because I do like her but I don’t want to go full in on the feelings, especially with someone who doesn’t even live near me.

Idk what to do, K is very cool, funny, and lives in my city and there could definitely be potential there for something but A and I had a fantastic connection. Was never planning on meeting two people in a week either and traditionally have never been the person to multi-date.

  1. I mean, there is a difference between dating and dating exclusively these days. Don’t lie. Don’t be a jerk. See how things go.

  2. Why wouldn’t you go for the local woman rather than a long distance relationship with someone you only see a few times a year?

    Go hook up with A when she’s nearby next month. Get that out of your system then go seriously date K.

  3. I’d say date them both for a bit and see which one you gravitate toward. But don’t lead them on, tell them that you’re not exclusive until you (or A/K) want to have a conversation about it.

  4. If you think you could possibly see yourself in a longterm thing with K, I’d focus my energy there. You’re 30 now. Not 21 anymore

  5. I think both women should know you’re not exclusive with them or anybody at this time . It’s very important to be extremely clear about this. If they still decide to continue with you, then it’s on them because they made a well informed decision.

  6. Flip a coin, if you’re ok with they way it cane that’s the one. If you’re not happy it’s the other one, 🤣🤣

  7. Enjoy the company of two pretty women OP. You just met both of them, take your time and just have fun. Don’t make it weird

  8. You don’t really know either of them yet. However, you will never really know someone who lives so far away who you only see a couple of times a year. What are you looking For? If you are looking for a meaningful long term partnership, I would graze close to home. If you are looking for casual, date both. It’s way too early to be stressing about deciding between two people you don’t even know.

  9. Be real here, do you think you will be able to maintain a long term relationship that requires flying?

    I’d keep everything open and well-communicated: date both for a few months and then re-position.

  10. Logistics are a big obstacle, that can very very easily become an issue.
    Firstly, if you decided to go serious LTR with A, would either of you move country? If not. Save youself the heartache.

    I feel like K may be more age appropriate and maybe be more inline with where you’re at in life (could be wrong) and A may be the excitement of meeting someone in a new place, romantic, young etc etc.

    I feel like relationship with K would be more sustainable.
    Assuming that’s what you want (relationship)

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