I grew up around alcaholics and drug addicts so I stayed away from these kind of stuff. Grownig up I didn’t give in to peer presure and stuff and I just generally stayed away from kids like that. But unfortunately that also meant that I didn’t have alot of friends cos almost everyone my age drinks and smokes.

  1. I can relate to this.I think people tend to socialize more with you if you drink or smoke for some reason.When i speak to someone i run out of topics very soon but, if i start talking about some illegal/mischievous thing i
    did they suddenly become very interested.Apparently
    these habits make you a cool person nowadays.I just hate that.I’ve never taken up drinking, so its very
    tough to fit into group.They often don’t invite us anywhere couse they don’t want us to see them
    drinking.Its just frustrating. But i would never change a
    thing about my habits to just fit in and i think we should always stay true to ourselves.Hoping you would find good friends who would find time for you.Hope this helps.

  2. People that won’t befriend you because you don’t drink wouldn’t be a good match as friends anyway.

    Don’t fall for all the silly peer pressure. Don’t sacrifice your morals, your (mental)health or anything like that “to fit in”.

    Yes it can be hard at times and yes some people will like you less for it but others will have more respect for you if you stick to it.

  3. I drink but very rarely. Normally I bring my yeti cooler and just have a softdrink in it and people seem to be at ease. Or a soda with lime can easily be passed off as a vodka lime and soda. I have found if you give the illusion you are drinking it doesnt really bother people its when you outright make a point not to drink people get uneasy. Not saying its right but it is what I have observed.

  4. There are two ways to handle this: put a drink in your hand that doesn’t have alcohol in it.

    Or befriend people who aren’t into that.

  5. No, I joined a young adults church group that meets up every Wednesday night. It’s a bible study, but I’ve made a ton of friends in just a few short months. It’s quite common for people there not to drink.

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