For context: I been talking to a girl for around 2 weeks, we have FaceTime and text each other during those two weeks, we was supposed to hang out on Friday but something came up and we couldn’t.

What is bothering me is that the past two days I have texted her and I have barely gotten any reply’s.

Am I just overthinking it or she just lost interest.

I’m new to the dating world so I don’t know much.

  1. She’s had a busy weekend. Did she mention having any plans? Don’t overthink it too much. Girls take forever to respond sometimes. Just reschedule the date ASAP

  2. My rule of thumb is if you have doubts if a girl a interested, then 95% of the time, she’s not.

    She very well could have been busy/or forgot and end up responding. But in my experience, if she barely responds, this usually means she isn’t interested. No one is THAT busy to where they can’t give a good reply to a text, especially if they’re actually interested in the guy.

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