Hi all, I’m trying to manage the anxiety that I feel about starting to get back out there to socialize and make new friends, and I’d really appreciate your advice. I moved to a new part of the country early on during the pandemic so it’s been really difficult to build connections. I got Covid a year ago and had severe symptoms even though I got both vaccines before that. It was an awful experience that I wouldn’t want to repeat or wish on anyone else. I know some people are saying the pandemic is over and questioning me when I wear my mask, but the reality is I know several people who just recently got Covid for the first time and have the same severity of symptoms even though they have both vaccines AND the booster on top of that. I’m anxious because it’s not just about the short-term impact for me, unlike those who can write it off casually saying it’s no big deal as long as you don’t need the hospital, I feel that the long-term effects are also critical and should be strongly considered. I don’t want to get it a 2nd time, because it is possible and we’re not just immune from it after the 1st time.

But I really want to start meeting new people in group settings, like Meetups, without making it awkward if I choose to wear my mask the entire time (especially if I’m the only one doing so) or decline eating together to avoid having to take my mask off. I was able to make friends who respect my comfort level/preferences, and go on dates too, but it’s been one-on-one and slow progress for growing a bigger network. Also, as I’m getting more anxious, I find that I might over-explain why I’m keeping my mask on since I don’t want them to feel bad, but it can be awkward with someone you’ve just met. I notice that many are not wearing their masks outside, to the point that I’m getting weird looks as if we’re not in a pandemic anymore.

Has anyone had success with Meetups or other group events while keeping their mask on the whole time? Or do you feel it gets in the way of connecting with others? Do you think I should only go to events where everyone is expected to keep their masks on, or just own it and not care what others think if I’m the only one with my mask on? Has anyone gotten Covid twice and were your symptoms weaker the 2nd time? Did something happen with mask protocols or did people stop wearing them just because it’s hot out? Anyone know more about long-term effects? Any other advice? Thank you.

TLDR: Please read for full context as I think it’ll be helpful, thank you so much.

1 comment
  1. I find it next to impossible to socialize with a mask on. I have a bit of hearing loss and can’t understand parts of what people are saying.

    I just got re-boosted as we’re going to travel a bit more this summer. We go to outdoor concerts without masks- though on the plane, I’m still wearing one. If we stay in a hotel, I go around with a clorox wipe and clean everything. In this way, we’ve traveled quite a bit, yet not gotten sick. I’d feel safe at outdoor gatherings without masks.

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