I (26f) went away to a different province/state for the weekend. I met some guy on the first night, and I made out with him. He was then texting me throughout the weekend, and bc I live like a 5 hour flight away, I decided to sleep with him on my last day there. He then told me if I was ever in town again to text him, and vice versa. I had to leave to catch my flight and he had to go for work. And I haven’t heard from him since. It’s not that I want to date him but my ego is a little bruised that he hasn’t texted me. He seemed very career orientated, as am I. He’s the first guy in a while that hasn’t said anything dumb while I was there, he was very pushy or anything. He was pleasant.

I do visit his city once or twice a year to go out and to visit friends. Should I hit him up if I head back? Idk what to think. I’ve never not had men chase after me. It’s weird.

  1. Chasing is only for people who play games. It sounds like this guy has his head on straight. He’s looking at dating realistically.

    He hasn’t done anything wrong. You need to view relationships realistically as well.

  2. If it’s going to make you feel bad, or feel used, that he never texts you when you aren’t in town, then don’t. He isn’t going to text you except when you’re local and interested in hooking up.

    If you like a little nookie with no strings attached, go for it!

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